[Chapter: 14]

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"Good morning beautiful world." I yawn as I stretch my hands oh in bed.

I was in a good mood for some reason.

Welp, I glance over at my alarm clock and see that it's already one.

Must've slept in.

I slip on my house shoes and head downstairs, it was quiet so my parents and Jacob's parents must've left.

I look in the fridge and grab a breakfast sandwich & plop it into the microwave.

"Well there you are sleepy head." I hear  a familiar voice say, I turn around and there reveals the one & only Jacob.

"Well I needed my beauty rest." I brag.

He rolls his eyes and sits down on the island.

"Ready for today?" I ask as grab my food from out the fridge.

"Mmhm." He says in a cute sleepy voice, poring him a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Me too." I say as we begin to eat.

Thoughts creep up in my mind about yesterday night, but I try to push them aside.

I peek over at him eating, his hair was so messy, that's honestly how I like it the best.

For get what I just say.

After we finished eating, I went upstairs to shower and get dress.

I put on this bright floral romper with my white high top converse.

I decided to actually do my hair so I curled it and put half of it up and half of it down.

I put on a light coat of makeup; some blush, lips gloss and mascara nothing too much.

I hear the shower go off so I'm guessing Jacob just got out.

In the mean time I scroll on social media to pass the time.

"Maddi... you awake?" I hear Jacob say as he pulls my blanket off of me.

"I'm up." I say in a groggy voice.

I stand up and stretch.

"You must be tired toda.... damn bae." He says biting his lip.

"Don't call me that." I blush as I slap his arm.

Surprisingly he smacks my butt in return & I gasp.

"Hey you hit me first." He shrugged.

"Well I too can play at this game!" I say tackling him onto my sofa, where I once was sleeping.

I pin him down and he begins to grab my arms lifting me off, leaving me in giggles.

"Nooo!" I wine as he's now pinned on top of me.

"Say you're sorry." He says smirking as he squeezes my wrists.

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