[Chapter: 15]

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"Are you hungry Mia?" I ask as I buckle her seat belt in as Jacob puts our things in the trunk.

She nods her head shyly.

"How would you like some pizza & then ice cream for dessert?" I ask in a playful tone.

"Yeah!" She smiles.

"Okay, I'm going to tell Jacob when he gets in the car." I reply, as I get in the car myself.

Once we both get in I tell him.

"Hey can we stop somewhere to get pizza and ice cream?" I ask as he starts the car.

"Yeah, what pizza place?" He replies.

"I don't know, how about larosa's? " I shrug.

He nods as he drives there, and the rest of the car ride was silent.
"Okay Mia what kind of ice cream would you like ?" I ask while we stand in the ice cream isle.

She whispers something but me & Jacob didn't hear her.

"What did you say ?" Jacob asks as he crouches down next to her.

"Strawberry." She says a little bit louder.

I grab a small strawberry pint for her then I get cookie dough & Jacob gets birthday flavored.

"Okay time to go." I say giving the ice cream to Jacob as I pick up Mia, she holds tight.

I kind of feel like a mom.
"We're here." Jacob says loudly, but I quickly shush him since he didn't notice Mia fell asleep.

"Sorry." He whispers, causing me to smile.

"She's adorable, look at her." I say as we both glance at her napping.

"She is." Jacob replies.

I pull out of my phone and take a picture of her.

I send it to the gc with Abby & them and I say 'so me and Jacob have a kid now😳'.

"Okay let's get out now." I say grabbing the bag of ice cream & the pizza and walk over towards the door.

Jacob carefully picks Mia up and her head rests on his shoulder, as we walk in.

She quickly wakes up from the noise and rubs her eyes.

"Where am I ?" She asked.

"You're at our house." Jacob replied as he sets her down.

"Are you hungry still ?" I ask her as I put the ice cream into the freezer.

"Mmhm." She hums.

"Okay, let's get you some pizza." I say as we walk over to the table.

I give her two slices and she sits down and eat.

"Maddie." I hear Jacob call as I go over to him.


Love By The Raindrops⇝j.sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon