He finally did

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"Clean the dishes! Make the bed! Get me more whine!" Jerome said mockingly, as he walked down the road, kicking up rocks.
He was so busy hating his mom, that he didn't realize he was in front of the Gotham City Police Department.
He looked up at the building. Mom always said to stay clear of the cops, that's the only thing she said that he agreed with. But he always thought that cops are dumb. That if he ever did something to his mom, they would never blame the roll he was playing. The poor son of the woman, who tragically got murdered.

The weals in his head kept turning as he looked inside the building.

"Can I help you?" A voice said from behind him.

Jerome snapped out of his thoughts, and turned around quickly.

Harvey Bullock.

I've heard of him. He works with Jim Gordon I think.

"No, just looking" Jerome says to the detective.

"Okay" he says lazily as he walks past me, into the building.

'Man, that guy is a detective? You'd think he could spot a liar easily. Oh well.' Jerome thinks to himself, with a smirk on his face.

The sun is started to set in the distance, so Jerome started to head back to the circus.

...'the trailer is FUCKING SHAKING!!!!!!!!,
That's what Jerome thought when he walked up to his home in the circus.
He turned around, and made a loop around the circus grounds. When Jerome stood in front of his trailer, the shaking had stopped, so he assumed his mother, and her sex partner for the night, had fallen asleep.
Boy was he wrong!

When he opened the door the first thing he was greeted with was a shot glass coming toward him. He ducked down just fast enough for it to miss him, and shatter on the wall behind him.

"Clean the dishes!" His mother barked.

That's it

"No." Jerome simply said.

"No?" Lila scoffed, standing up from the love seat, that was facing the opposite way of Jerome.

Jerome said nothing. All he did was cross his arms, and hold his head up high. He will stand his ground.

Lila had an empty bottle of vodka in her hand. Jerome, of course, new what was coming. So, he got ready to duck, and grab the bottle from her.
And that's exactly what happened. Jerome ended up with the bottle, and smashed it on his mothers head, which caused her to go unconscious.
Lila's sex partner stood up from the love seat, and started to angrily walk towards Jerome.
Jerome quickly looked over to the kitchen knives, and headed straight for them.
Jerome grabbed one, and stabbed what's-his-name with it in his stomach and his heart.

He let the body drop to the ground. Breathing heavily, the he looked over to his mothers body. He new exactly where to go.

"Cicero! I have a dilemma!" Jerome said dramatically but casually, as he entered the blind fortune tellers tent...


JEROME IS MY BABY!!!! Is it possible to love something too much? Oh well! Okay. This isn't my best, but I'm super tired so it'll have to do.

Also! I've been thinking of doing a story of JUST Jerome, BUT I don't know what it should be about. If you have an idea please tell me!

(Random: when I type in the letters 'Mo' one of the suggesting bar things (on iPhone) ALWAYS says 'Monaghan' but hey! I'm not complaining.

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