Chaprer Two : Memories

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   (y/n) rolled over in her sleep, another nightmare plagued her dream.

"You really are pathetic."

"I'm not!"

"You couldn't even save them."

"I tried to!"

"You're nothing."


"Aww is the little (y/n) gonna cry?"

"N-no I-I won't!"

"Pathetic." "Useless." "Worthless."

(y/n) jolted up from the couch breathing heavily, knowing what would have happened if she continued to see that nightmare.
"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked.
"Yeah peachy." She replied.
"Had a nightmare?" Goth asked, as he emerged from the darkness.
"Not like it's different from any other night." She replied grimly. "Just go back to sleep, I'm fine."
"You're not."
"Why is some EVER fine when they say 'I'm fine!?' Huh!?"
"*sigh* It's nothing, just some bad memories, now go back to sleep or I'll strap you to your bed and watch you while you fall asleep." He muttered something before going back to his room, she sighed before laying back down hoping for sleep.

   "Wake up."
   "Wake. Up."
   "Wake up or I'm throwing you off the couch."
   "No, five more hours, brah."
   "(y/n). Get. Up. Now."
   "Fiiiiiiiine a**wipe." She groaned before getting up to see a slightly trumpet Goth. "Are you happy?"
   "No, I was gonna let Palette throw you out the window, video it and, post it on UnderNet." He replied.
   "Rude then again that's what all of you do here eh?"
   "Goth help." Palette said from the stairs, he was wearing a cute little dress with Goth's scarf tied around the waist and around his wrists into a little bow, (y/n) found it hilarious and fell off the couch she was laughing so much.
   "Did you do that?" Goth asked.
   "lol no, I can't take credit for that." (y/n) put up her hands in defense.
"Palette, you like adorably stupid and I love my work!" Blitz shouted, who somehow was in their house.
"Fricken magic using wolf thing, I love you." (y/n) said.
"Aww I love me too." Blitz replied.
"Goth help, I'll deal with you later." Palette had a pissed expression while Goth looked fairly amused, they both disappeared up the stairs.
"You're brilliant, that was hilarious." (y/n) said.
"Yup, what can I say being incriminating is what I do." Blitz replied.
"You know you're like dead right?"
"I don't care, he can't do sh*t."

~Smol Time Skip~

"Alright, come on now, don't want to get yelled at again now do we?" Blitz said.
"You're still dead." Palette said.
"They why am I breathing?" She replied walking out the door, Palette swore under his breath before following her.
"Well that happened." (y/n) said, glancing over to Goth who now had his scarf back.
"Yep." He replied.
   "Y'know you kinda look weird without your scarf."
   "And you look weird not behind bars."
   "For a Fell that's a terrible come back."
"Like you could do any better."
"Oh really? Alright come at me cakey, I know one for sure, that you failed at your job, what will they say when they know you fell to me?"
"Oh come what was that, a pathetic excuse for a come back? I could beat you any day now get out of my way."
"Least my parents loved me while yours would rather have you dead."
"About that, where are your parents, I don't see them around? I guess the left you all high and dry."
"Ha, they died heroes, unlike you, if you died they'd be dancing on your grave."
"They died heroes huh, are just covering? What was that nightmare about again? What are you gonna cry?"
"Psh, me? I ain't a cry baby, unlike you, I heard you cryin', 'oh Palette why do you hate me?' 'What did I ever do?' You got a love interest or something, wow Fell's are more pathetic then I thought. I think I'm done." (y/n) smirked, knowing she won, it wasn't hard she new far more about him then he didn't about her, so what she was plagued with nightmares? She'd gotten use to it.
   "That's in the past." Goth finally said.
   "I feel ya bud, I keep a lot of things in the past." She replied, he gave her a blank look before shoving past her.
"I have work to do."
"If you go who will keep and eye on me? You wouldn't know if I broke our deal or not."
"..." He stopped in his tracks. "You manipulate little-"
"Yeah, I know I am. Now let's go to Grillby's."

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