Chapter Eight : End The Pain

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A/N : Sup, how are you doing? I'm well (as well as I can be having a HUGE craving for chocolate that will never cease no matter how much chocolate I eat, send help) but lil' thing about this chapter it has suicide in it (no one dies calm down) so read at your own risk

(y/n) stayed curled in her ball long after she stop crying, she just wanted to disappear but she knows she can't, after all she always stops her.
   "Go ahead try it, I dare you."
   "Listen to me, you mean nothing to him, you really think he would actually except you? Pathetic, no one will ever expect you."
   "Say something."
   "Idiot, I know what you're thinking."
   "Go ahead do it, take away your pain."
   "But you won't, you know I'll go and infect someone else."
   "You think you are strong enough to fight me, don't you?"
   "Whatever, do it, it'll stop the pain, you want it to stop don't you?" (y/n) slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes.
"Oh you finally have the guts, do you?" She ignored her and walked to the kitchen.
"You're really doing it! Go on! Plunge that knife in your throat! Stop the pain!"

Goth's pov

I was sitting in my room when I heard something, it sounded like I cry for help when I got closer to my door it go louder, I slowly turned the noob and went to the top of the stairs, it kept getting louder.
"You're really doing it! Go on! Plunge that knife in your throat! Stop the pain!" A deep emotionless voice said, I shot down the stairs to see (y/n)'s tear stained face looking down at knife, her hands shacking as she raised it up to her throat.

A/N : I'm evil I know, heh, I'm gonna hide now!

     Edit: I'm dying! (Of laughter) so I was reading a fanfic and it recommended my own story, yes Wattpad I want to read a story that I know exactly what will happen, alright, alright, I'm okay, now to find some chocolate

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