Chapter Nine : Death

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Goth stared in horror every fiber in his being telling him to do something but he couldn't move, he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"I really am an idiot, thinking anyone would me." (y/n) said, fresh hot tears streamed down her face, she moved the knife closer to her stomach (yes I changed where she will stab herself). "Lest it won't hurt anymore."
"Stop." (y/n) turned to see Goth staring in horror.
"This is what you wanted right?" She said. "Goodbye, Goth." She smiled as she plunged the knife into her stomach.

     A/N : not gonna lie I was contemplating leaving another cliffhanger

   She fell onto the knife as blood gushed out, Goth quickly bent down taking off his cloak (jacket thingy) and wrapping it around her wound to try and stop the bleeding.
   "Stay with me!" He growled, wrapping his arms around her trying to figure out what or where to go to help her.
   "Why do" She chocked out.
   "Because...I just do!" He slightly shouted, her soul came out her chest it was glowing dimly before glowing brighter.
   "S-sorry." She whimpered. "I do-n't want to d-die."

*It Refused*

???'s pov

   Boring, just boring, why won't she die already? This is just annoying by now, wait, ha! Her soul is refusing to die! Hilarious! Whelp guess I better do my thing. I snapped my fingers making (y/n) appear in front of me, I smiled darkly at her, she whipped around the dark abyss trying to figure out what's happening.
   "Where am I?" She asked.
   "My special hell." I replied, making her whirl around and face me.
"You." She hissed.
"You." I began. "Are a disgrace, I thought you want to end the pain."
"Things change."
"Heh, then let me ask you a question, do you think best person can change that everyone can be evil if they just...try?"
"Let me as you a question, do you think the worst person can change, that withe help everyone can be a good person?"
"No. Your point is invalid, people don't change, they are who they are."
"You are wrong, people can change but you ... S H O U L D•B E•D E A D•L I K E•H I M."

     A/N : whelp have my cliffhanger-ness

      Fine! I'm not that bad

   I smirked, making my weapon of choice appear, a spear, well spears, she gave me a crazed smile before lunging at me with her enlarged knife (like Epic-Tale Chara's weapon) I easily dodged and hit her with the butt (aka the end) of my spear in the back, she sharply inhaled and fumbled to get back up, I threw my spear to which it grazed her cheek, she wiped away some of the blood and turned back to me, her eyes full of hate and determination to kill me.

Third person pov

   (y/n) panted heavily sharply intaking air and quickly letting it back out, her opponent doing the same, blood slowly dripped onto the ground leaving the abyss with the dripping of liquid and sharp breathing.

   Neither of them could last long, one hit and both would be dead, one HP, one last attack, (y/n) smiled faintly seeing her opportunity, she stood up strait and pulled her arm back, her only weapon yet she would risk it all, she threw it...


   Dead, her demon was finally dead.

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