Chapter Four : Knocking At Your Door

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(y/n) opened the door to see the last person er monster she ever wanted to see.
"Oh look who it is, the sh*t head who murdered my f*cking family." She spat.
"What are you doing here?"
"I can be wherever I wanna be, a**hat."

Goth's POV

   I held my cheek from where Palette slapped me, that dip sh*t thinks he can just slap me, he's f-
"Oh look who it is, the sh*t head who murdered my f*cking family." I heard (y/n) snarl. I shoved Palette out the way and walked down the stairs to see none other then 'dad' watching (y/n) intently.
   'Oh sh*t.' I thought.
   "Why are you here?" Dad growled.
   "I can be wherever I wanna be, a**hat." She replied.
   "Damn, she doesn't like him." Palette muttered.
   'Now I know why you don't like him.' I thought.
   "Well this is awkward." I said, drawing both their glares to me.
   "Now get the f*ck outta this house." (y/n) said, turning back and glaring at him.
   "Hell no." He replied.
   "Can you two not? In my house." Palette asked. (Way to go Palette)
   "See you're not wanted, like always." (y/n) spat.
   "I can see my son whenever I want to, if anyone should leave it's you." Dad replied.
"Oh really and what makes you think he wants you here, eh? Didn't think of that did you?" She snapped.
"Stop!" I finally shouted, they both looked at me, (y/n) gave me a 'well-this-b*tch-here-tried-me' like while dad gave me a 'wow-you're-not-as-weak-as-I-thought' look.
"Sorry." (y/n) said, sounding slightly sorry.
"It's fine, why are you here, dad?" I asked.
"She escaped and I know her 'feelings' towards you so I came to see, looks like I'm right." Dad replied, I gave (y/n) a glance, she was looking down at her feet, which made me wonder 'what kind of 'feelings' dose have have?'
"You're aren't going to tell them, right?"
"No, she seems to not causing trouble so I will let her stay." She glanced up looking at dad and then back to me.

(Y/N)'s POV

'What the actual f*ck?' You thought.
"Plot twist." Her voice sung.

Goth's POV (again)

"Thank you." (y/n) muttered. "I still don't forgive you but thank you."
"It was their time (y/n), now I'll be leaving." Dad said leaving (no kidding Sherlock).
"What did he do?" Palette asked.
"It's none of your concern." (y/n) replied.
"Least he won't tell the reaper about you." I said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah..." She said. "Heh."
   "What's so funny?" Palette asked.
   "Imaging Reaper in the dress Blitz put you in, pfft! He so not scary anymore! Heck he never was! Hahaha!" (y/n) fell over laughing while Palette looked annoyed, it was a funny thought imagining dad in a dress though I didn't find it as funny as (y/n) did.
   "Will will never speak of that ever again, am I clear?" Palette growled, I held my hand out for her to grab it, she did and I helped her up.
   "Actually I can, seeing as my 'deal' is with Goth, not like I'd listen to you if did have a deal with you." (y/n) replied.
   "I hate you." And with that Palette went back up the stairs.
   "Great come back Palette, ten outta ten!" (y/n) shouted. "Almost as good as O-...ya know what never mind."
   "-" I opened my mouth to say something but (y/n) immediately cut me off.
   "Don't even ask if I'm okay, I'm fine, kay? Just assume I'm fine." She said.
   "Good now, heh, I know exactly what I'm doing see ya!" She quickly walk out the house leaving me slightly worried about she was going to do.
   "That can't be good."

     A/N : sorry it's short

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