Chapter Ten : Dead Yet Alive

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   Finally! Her demon is dead! The body was limp, laying on the pitch blank floor.
"Now what?" She asked her voice bouncing off the walls making an echo, the ground began to shake, keeping her balance fairly easily she watched the world around her fall apart.

~Meanwhile With Goth~

   She's...gone...she's actually f*cking dead! Why? I-it's my fault isn't it?

~Back To You~

   She squeezed her eyes shut seeing bright light started to filter through.
   "Open your eyes."
   "Don't be stubborn."
"Give her time."
"M-mom?" She asked, slowly opening her eyes to see the deep blue eyes of her mother. "MOM!" She shoved the other person out the way and hugged her, hot, joyous tears streamed down her face as she looked up seeing the loving eyes of her mother again.
"Chopped liver." Another voice behind her said, she let go to see her brothers black curly hair, he looked the same yet old, she enveloped him in a giant hug not every wanting to let go. "Now you notice me."
"OF COURSE! You have no idea how hard it is without you." She said, hugging him tighter.
"Air plz." She quickly let go.
"But you're dead."
"Yeah but I still need air."
"Wait...dose this mean?"
"Yes, my child you're time is up but...someone needs you." Her mother replied making a small silver orb appeared, she looked in seeing Goth holding her limp body close and...crying? He actually cares?
"Goth." She mumbled, a hand touched her shoulder.
"My daughter, he needs you, we're giving you the second chance you never had."
"Don't waste it! I want to be an uncle!" Her brother shouted.
"BRO!" She squeaked.
"You're time here is up, go back and do what you must."

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