Chapter Six : Being Playful

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   (y/n) let out a small sigh of relief seeing as Goth was fast asleep, she carefully picked him up to take him to his room when she saw Palette out the corner of her eye, she briskly made a 'shush-he's-asleep' face to him, he just glared back before going into the kitchen, she rolled her eyes and carefully walked up the stairs, she couldn't open the door normally so she gave up and used her magic, carefully moving the slightly beaten up door, she looked around the room it wasn't as messy as she thought it'd be, a black bed frame with red sheets, a black dresser, pleaded carpet, red-ish-brown walls, a nice room, a very black room, not like she cared, it's not hers after all. Putting Goth to bed and tucking him in like a child she smiled a faint smile, she shook her head making the thought go away as she existed the room, she shut to door behind her not to make any extra noise, she turned to see Palette raising a nonexistent eyebrow at her.
   "What?" She asked quietly.
   "What happened with Goth?" He asked.
   "Fish sticks attacked him." She replied bluntly.
   "And you saved him?"
   "Yeah, as I said I'm not like a normal human. Now off to bed, you probably have people to torment or something." He glared at she before going off to his room, she went to the couch letting her tired form sink into it.

~Time Skip To Morning~

Goth slowly opened his sockets noticing he was in a new place then when he fell asleep, thankfully it was his bed room, he sat up and went over to his dresser to get changed.

He peered down the hall seeing nothing he went down the stairs seeing a passed out (y/n) on the couch.
"Life's not like that --- chocolate sucks --- no toucha my pet!" She stated in her sleep.
"What the hell is she dreaming about?" He muttered going into the kitchen.
"Mornin' how ya feeling?" He jumped he didn't think anyone was awake, he turned to see a still half asleep (y/n) leaned against the wall. "I'm not scary I am? I'm just a squishy human after all."
"I'm feeling better and no, you are not scary." He said. "Wait, did you just call yourself squishy?"
"I mean all humans are, flesh and soft skin is kinda what we're known for." She replied.
"Uh huh."
"Get a room you two." A familiar female voice said.
"How did you in here!?" (y/n) shouted.
"Magic." Blitz said, doing fun fingers.
   "Palette probably let her in when we were asleep." Goth said.
   "Or maybe I low key broke into your house." She said.
   "When this place becomes un-edgy." (y/n) said.
   "Right, how are you Goth? Undyne was set on killing you." Blitz said, changing the subject.
   "I'm fine." He replied.
   "If that walking fish sticks touches him again-" (y/n) trailed off muttering a few things to herself.
   "Morning, now food." Palette said, pushing himself in between the two females.
   "Dose no one say good morning? Like I get life isn't good but still ya can lie about it." (y/n) said.
   "Nope, no one here looks on the good side of things." Blitz recounted.

   "See ya oh loving guards." (y/n) said.
   "Yeah, yeah, see ya love birds." Blitz replied.
   "Can you two not?" Palette asked, having a slight blush across his cheek bones, while Goth looked like he wanted to slap them both.
   "Nope!" They said at the same time.
   "Why us?" Goth slightly muttered as Palette and Blitz left.
"Cuz you're lucky." (y/n) replied sarcastically.
   "So what are we doing today cuz I am not letting to go anywhere alone."
   "What if I have to go to the bathroom?"
   "You're. A. Skeleton."
   "Showers are a thing ya know."
   "It'a not like you have those things."
   "You are a strange human."
"You are a strange skeleton." She repeated.
"Really?" He asked.
"How childish."
"How childish."
"I swear."
"I swear." (y/n) was holding back from chuckling seeing as Goth was getting quite irritated, there's one was to end something like this and she was curious if he would realize it.
"Stop or else." He growled.
"Stop or else." She replied.
'How do I make her stop!?' Goth was staring at her, trying to figure out why she was doing this and how to stop her, she made a heart with her hands to which he raised a brow, she looked at her heart then back at him.

A/N : I'm going to murder that a** that is outside my damn house riding their four wheeler up and down the road, I swear I'm going make a complaint, like f*ck you too dude now back to the story

"F*ck you." Goth said.
"Happily." (y/n) replied.
"What the f*ck!?" Goth shouted.
"Haha! That's one way of ending that." She said, sticking her tongue out at him in a playful manner.
"First, we don't have 'those' things according to you, second, hell to the nah am I f*cking a human, third, I'm fine you don't have to go everywhere with me."
"What. The. F*ck!?"
"Pfft! Hahaha! Your expression is priceless!" Goth was laugh his nonexistent a** off, while (y/n) was in shock, how did that even work (lol I don't know how it works but the fandom say so, so yeah).
"I think life just want to f*ck with my mind." She murmured.

*hears four wheeler sound*

R~Chan : Well they're dead, oh sup, I'm a friend of GS, n' don't think about what GS means, I mean it's quite simple

Gimme me phone!

R~Chan : Well look at the time, boi! *in the distance* Oh and lol you need to post the chapter!

I'm done!

*2 days later*

...I didn't post the chapter, whoops...

*.5 Seconds Later*






...I wrote this in the wrong fanfic...

...kill me now...

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