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《It's been a while, but I have been busy and whatnot. I hope that you all enjoy this update. This is unedited as usual. Please vote & comment! Deuces!✌》


Wake-up. Eat. Workout. Sleep. Repeat. That has been my routine for the last couple of weeks. It has been weeks since I have last had a conversation with my Beauty. True to her words, she lets Maxwell spend the weekends with me unsupervised along with any other day of the week that I want to spend one-on-one time with our son. It is great. It just could be better. It all feels so bleak.

Do not get me wrong, I love spending time with my son. Maxwell makes me one of the proudest parents to ever exist by merely existing. He is one of my treasures and a part of my heart walking freely within this world. I just miss my Beauty. She is so cold and distant. She barely will speak a complete sentence to me.

Try as I might to get her to let me inside of that head of hers, she shuts me down every time. And Maxwell notices how cold she is towards me. Shit, he asked me just last weekend what was going on between his mum and I. Do you know how hard it was for me to tell my son that I had fucked again and hurt his mum? I told him anyways because I had promised years ago to not lie to my children and keep them in the dark about the happenings of the world around them. The way that my son looked at me. I never want to see his face that disappointed looking ever again.

I am picking him up again for another weekend together. I hope that we can talk before she shuts out again. I just want to know how she is doing. I want to know how her pregnancy is coming along. Does she need or simply want for anything? I will do it. Whatever she needs and want I will provide it. I knocked on the door and patiently waited for it to be answered. The sound of quickly approaching little feet could be heard coming from the other side of the door.

I smiled, the sound of the lock clicking before the door opened revealing my son standing on the other side. "Max, what did I tell you about opening the door without me?!", my Beauty called trailing behind our son. "It's only dad though", he said raising his arms for me to pick him up. I chuckled picking him up sitting him on my hip. He wrapped his arms around my neck burrowing him face into the crook of my neck. "Are you okay, Max?", I asked concerned.

He shook his head nuzzling my neck. I tried pulling him from me so that I could see his face but his hold around my neck tightened. "What's wrong? What's got you upset?", I questioned trying to figure out what was bothering him. He whined muttering something I could not quite understand. "I did not catch that. Can you please pull your face from my neck and repeat what you just said for me?", I told him. "Maxwell?", I said sternly.

He moved his head resting his chin on my shoulder. "Why mama so distant, dad? She don' smile li' she used to. She always frown and it makes me sad. I miss my happy mum", he muttered. I frowned, my eyebrows scrunching up together. "How long has she been like this, sad?", I asked although I am certain that I already know the answer to my own question. "A while. Why did you hurt mum, dad?", he whispered.

I sighed, "I did not mean to this time", I admitted. He raised up his head, his little blue eyes boring into my own. "Why would you want to hurt her on purpose? Only an evil spirited person would want to hurt someone else on purpose. That's what mum told me when I asked her", he said. I bit my lip, "And she is right, but not everyone that does is a bad person. Sometimes they are just good people who make bad decisions", I said and he huffed. "Stubborn like your mum", I commented. He folded his arms across his little chest frowning and in that moment I could not decide if he looked more like his mum or me.

Cruel: A Max Hamilton Story  (Interracial/WMBW) (Book4)Where stories live. Discover now