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I woke up to an empty bed. The smell of food wafted up my nose almost as if on cue, my stomach began to growl. I threw my legs over the side of the bed letting out a yawn. The door creaked open, the sound of soft pitter-patter of approaching feet being heard. The bed dipped as she crawled across the bed. A moment later her arms were around my neck, her body pressed against my back.

"Good morning, baby", she cooed placing a kiss to the side of my neck. I hummed taking her hands into mine raising them to my mouth placing a kiss to both of her palms. "Good morning, babe. Where is Maxwell?", I said gruffly. "He's downstairs begging for food because mum said that we can't eat until everyone is at the table", she responded. "Let me pull on a shirt first then we can head down", I told her. She nodded kissing the same spot she had previously on my neck before pulling her hands away.

I rose from the bed turning to face her, leaning down placing a kiss to her lips before walking over to our bags for a shirt. I opened one of my duffle bags taking out a plain v-neck T-shirt slipping it on before helping my Beauty up from the bed, not that she actually needed my help. "Thank you, Beasty", she said. "You are very welcome, my Beauty", I responded pulling her to me kissing her lips tenderly. I have been in complete bliss for these past two days. We are back in my childhood home with my family celebrating my grandparents' anniversary tomorrow tonight and will be spending the entire week here in Brighton.

It is always great to see my family. Especially when I get to spend time with them with my own family. I cannot help but think about what our lives would be like had we of never had that argument years ago. Would we already have years under our belts as well or would we of been married by now? Would Maxwell and I relationship of have been any different than it is now? So many thoughts ran through my mind, but I did not dwell on them too much.

Why dwell on what we cannot change? Besides, I wanted to enjoy every moment with everyone as I could. "He looks so much like you, Maxim", mum gushed ruffling Maxwell's hair causing him to whine a bit. "But he damn sure does not act like me. He has his Mama's attitude", I drawled before shoveling a forkful of my omelette into my mouth. Delilah pinched my thigh causing me to jump, my knees hitting the underside of the table. "That's what you get. Pinch him again, daughter", Dad called.

"Just haters everywhere. Sometimes it be your own family too", I chided in exasperation. I could just feel the eye rolls from my family. I waved them off continuing to eat as they began talking about tomorrow night's party. Maxwell much like myself had been eating and listening. "So, who's all doing a speech at dinner?", dad asked. Surprisingly enough, my Beauty raised her hand without hesitation.

"You? Why?", I questioned. She gave me this look that told me to shut the hell up, but did I listen to what I saw? Hell no. I would not be me if I had. "Do you even remember English class sophomore year?", I teased. "Maxim-", she began pausing.

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Cruel: A Max Hamilton Story  (Interracial/WMBW) (Book4)Where stories live. Discover now