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A/N.; So I broke my own promise to myself to finish up a good percentage of my books, but I haven't. 😔 I will am working on them now that I actually have the inspiration to do so, well drive. I had lost it for a minute which is why I have not really been as active as an author. Also, I tend to get inspiration for new books a lot so I get sidetracked and start writing them and planning those before I ever complete the ones I was already writing.😒😩 Moving along, get your popcorn 🍿. Drama! Vote & comment! This is unedited. Deuces!✌🏾



"Beauty are you ready? We're going to be late", I called to my beautiful fiancée. We are going to a family get together with her mother's side of the family. I know. What the hell? Especially when there is a big possibility that her so-called mother will be there. Well, she will be and so will we.

My Beauty has tried talking me out of us going, but I refuse. We are going even if I have to cart her on a stretcher after I fuck her so thoroughly she cannot feel her legs anymore. She needs this. She may not want to admit it, but she does. Also, our son needs to meet his family. All sides, no matter how ignorant or asshole-ish some of them may be. At least then he can make his own decision on whether he likes them without anyone else's influence or opinion affecting his own.

Most importantly, she needs to see her family. My Beauty has not seen her family in years. I am very family oriented and I cannot imagine not seeing my family for as long as my Beauty has gone without seeing her own. If anything, she needs the closure if she decides to continue to do so after today. "No. I ain't ready, nigga", she retorted with an attitude. She has been giving me attitude all morning but I just take it because I understand where it stems from.

However, she has but one more time to call me the 'n-word' before I get her right. "Do not call me that", I quipped. She came waltzing out of the closet with her hands on her hips. Her pretty face was in a scowl. "What? Nigga, nigga?", she retorted snidely. Yup, she done it now.


"Baby, i'm sorry", she cried out. I shook my head picking up my pace while leaning forward more angling her legs to allow deeper penetration. "Ma-hmm", she moaned loudly. "You really had me fucked up, Beauty", I growled. "Ah, i'm sorry", she cried. I mean she really cried. Did I stop though? Hell no.


"Are you ready now?", I asked her after we both cleaned back up and redressed. She frowned, "No", she muttered. I sighed tying my shoe quickly. "Baby, you know that we have to go already and that we are already late", I retorted. She kissed her teeth but she did not say anything. "You better fix your attitude before I fix it for you", I said lowly.

She smirked seductively. "Fix it, daddy", she all but purred. I almost took her invite, but our son served as a wake up call when he came barging into our bedroom. "Ma, Pops, we're late. It started already so get your butts in the car now", he all but screeched. We stared at him, our faces but a centimeter apart as we eyed our son. "Maxwell, the door", I ordered pointing at the wide open bedroom door.

He huffed, "We late", he whined. "So is your butt whooping but you will still be getting it and it isn't going anywhere", Beauty interjected. He pouted. "Step", I ordered nodding my head towards the door. His face twisted up into a scowl as he pivoted on his little feet. "You better fix your face, Maxwell!", Beauty snapped watching him walk out of our bedroom leaving the door wide open.

Cruel: A Max Hamilton Story  (Interracial/WMBW) (Book4)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat