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A/N.; This will be a roller coaster of a chapter.🤭 😩 Moreover, vote & comment! This is unedited. Deuces!✌🏾

P.S. You might get mad.🤦🏾‍♀️ Deuces again!✌🏾


It all happened so fast. One moment I was going back and forth with my cousin. Then the next words were flying pass my lips that I promised myself to never utter again to anyone other than myself.

"I was molested you stupid ho!"

Those words had flown past my lips before I could even process the thought of them. The room stilled. My cousin's wide eyes stared back at me. Her mouth was open, having fallen open at my revelation. I felt light headed.


I turned my head in the general direction of the person but I avoided their gaze. "Yes?", I whispered.

"Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me? Somebody, anybody?"

I scoffed, "Tell who? Who would have believed me? They were everyone's favorite teachers and I was me. Who would of believed my word against theirs? You seen the way everyone's favorite cousin acted and she doesn't believe anything people say without proof. What makes you think someone else would believe me? All I had to show was a ripped bra and a sore throat. Who was gonna believe me? Who? Besides, why would I tell you? You didn't care, ma", I snapped my voice cracking. Tears spilled from my eyes down my cheek.

"I would of believed you".

To say I was shocked was an understatement. "I find that hard to believe, De'arre. Look what you just did. Why couldn't you just leave me alone? If you would of kept your mouth shut none of this would be happening. No one would know", I spat accusatorially.

She frowned, "Don't put this shit on me. I wasn't the one that molested you. I didn't fuck you up", she retorted. I felt a pang in my heart at her words. They hurt me. "I don't know why I thought for a fleeting second that you might have a decent bone in your body", I leered.

My stomach felt uncomfortable.

"You should of said something!"

My incubator snapped. I chuckled humorlessly. "You mean like the time I told you that I was not the one sleeping with your sister's boyfriend but you still believed De'arre over me? Alright, okay", I retorted sarcastically.

She sighed, "I would have", she muttered.

I rolled my eyes still finding that hard to believe even to this day. Especially to this damn day.

"Well you know now. Everyone knows now", I said defeatedly, a tear spilling from my eyes.

I angrily wiped it away, a sharp pain hitting me in the stomach. I hunched over in pain letting out a hiss.

"Beauty, are you okay?", Maxim's worried voice called, his hand resting on my lower back.

"I'm- ah", I grunted in pain.

Cruel: A Max Hamilton Story  (Interracial/WMBW) (Book4)Where stories live. Discover now