XVIII: The End

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A/N.; This is unedited. This is also the last chapter of this story and there will not be an epilogue. Vote & comment!


I never really pictured my life like this. My wife holding our baby girl breast feeding her while softly singing to her. Our son making faces at his baby sister who looked conflicted between whether to eat or laugh at her brother. I think he was getting even with his little sister for earlier. I snickered recalling what happened between my two children. "What are you over there snickering about?", my dear wife called never taking her eyes from our baby girl, Destiny Renaé Hamilton.

"Yeah, old man", our son seconded

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Yeah, old man", our son seconded. I rolled my eyes. "What are you? Myrtle and her minions?", I retorted eyeing the both of them. The cutest and one of the most alarming things happened. Our baby girl begin choking. Acting quickly my beauty sat her upright and began patting her back while supporting her at the same time.

My heart was pounding as she let out little coughs. "I think i'm having an heart attack", I muttered clutching my shirt over my heart. No one prepared me for this shit. Maxwell was cackling while my Beauty seemed to be the only level headed adult in the situation as she calmly tended to our baby girl. "Call 9-1-9! She chokin'! She needs some milk! Help ha!", I full blown the hell panicked not realizing I was sounding like my Beauty's ignorant arse aunt. Maxwell was crying he was laughing so hard and my Beauty was snickering trying to hold back her own laughter as she rubbed Destiny's back soothingly.

"Chill, baby. She's fine", Beauty chortled covering herself then readjusting Destiny so that I could see for myself. I did not believe her until I checked our baby over myself. When I was satisfied I kissed her on the cheek and took her from her mum cradling her against my chest. I have never gone through any of this before. I was not shading my wife or even upset with her. We were pass our past mistakes.

"You scared me half to death little bean", I mumbled nuzzling her cheek with my nose. Destiny cooed sticking out her little tongue. "I bet you are going to have your mum's stank arse attitude too just like your brother", I cooed softly. "You lucky you holdin' my baby", my wife called. "Even I was not you still couldn't beat my arse", I retorted. "Careful, you can't hold baby girl forever", she chided. "And that's two dollars too, old man", Maxwell added.

I rolled my eyes, "And you still bitter from earlier. She's a newborn. Let it go, mate", I retorted. He rolled his eyes looking so much like his mum in that moment. "She spit up on my face", he said in exasperation. "She's a baby. It's what they do; spit, shit, and eat. Oh, and sleep", I retorted dismissively. He scoffed, "Three dollars", he hissed. "Okay. That three dollars is in my wallet next to the fucks I don't give", I deadpanned.

Cruel: A Max Hamilton Story  (Interracial/WMBW) (Book4)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن