Chapter 4 ~ Can there not be enough drama in a day?🎭

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Chapter 4 ~ Can there not be enough drama in a day?

I walked into my Georgia Studies class being late for the third time in a row. Well sucks being me because I'm going to get yelled at by the most annoying teacher, Mr. Lewis, and I'm going to get after school detention.

Kill me now

"Ms.Anderson, care to explain why you are 10 minutes late for the third time in a row?"

"Sorry" I muttered under my breath. I was not in the mood to deal with more drama than I already had to deal with.

"Well I expected more of you Ms. Anderson, but your going to Detention after school today. I will not tolerate tardiness in my class" Mr Lewis said as he handed me a slip. I totally didn't expect for me to get Detention. Note the sarcasm. I went to go sit down in my assigned seat but I felt my ass hit the ground. Now this pushed my, "I'm about to flame on a bish" button.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yelled to the girl behind me. Guess who it was.

Just guess...

Did you guess?

Yup, the one and only slut of the school...

Stacy Winston

"WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?!" Stacy yelled at me. Geez, can there not be enough drama in a day?

"I OUGHTA SLAP THE-" Before I could finish my sentence, someone yelled stop, and I paused. Shit, now I really dug myself a deep hole. I need to stop cursing.

"MS.ANDERSON AND MS.WINSTON, OUT MY CLASS NOW!" At this point Mr.Lewis' face was as red as a tomato. Then with that, Stacy stomped out of the room. Once again, stuck dealing with Slutty Stacy. Ooh I like the ring to that. Can't wait to say that out loud to get in trouble.

A/N- Hi humans! Do you like the name, Slutty Stacy?😏 I like it😂

Question of the chapter: Who is your teacher that you hate? Or what subject do you hate?

Comment  your answer and don't forget to vote!

Happy Reading!


Unicorn Love 🦄❤️,

- annaxwill

Over the EdgeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora