Chapter 11 - Piss in a Bottle

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" Well it's also nice to strangely meet you, but your not strange well not that I'm saying that you are but..." Her sentence got cut off when I started bursting out laughing once again because of how dumb she looked. They she gave me a deadly stare that were telling me " Watch it before I murder you in your sleep." Okayyyy, she was not playing around.

" What she means to say is that it is very nice to meet you too and we hope that you like your stay at this horrible school" I say casually. And that's when Callie decided to elbow me on the side which I then gave her a look that reminded her that my ribs still hurts then giving me an apologetic look. And that's also when Cassidy starts laughing at us.

" You guys look like you guy seem to get along" she says closing her book.


" Well that's my cue to get to class if I knew where it was, Do you guys know where Ms. Hodgekins' class is located?" Cassidy asked.

" Oh I actually have her right now. Would you like to walk with me to her class?" Callie questioned.

" Sure!" Cassidy said.

" But be warned, she is evil as in MUAHAHAHAH evil." Callie warns her.

" Hmmm we'll see how evil she'll be to me" Cassidy says with a mischievous glint in her eyes. I have a feeling she going to do something this teacher is going to hate, but she won't be able to get her in trouble.

" Bye Livia! See you after school ends" Callie calls out as they head to class. Eww, fourth period is two hours and I'm really am not trying to be in Ms. Grudge's class because I hate math and I hate her. I hope someone pisses in her bottle... I sit in my assigned seat and get my notebook out, and of course Ms. Grudge assigns us a project and I'm still doodling in my notebook.

" Ms. Anderson, Did you here who I have assigned you with?!" I hear my teacher scream. Oh my god, she so aggravating.

" No Ms. Grudge I did NOT hear you assign me my partner. As a matter of fact, I do not speak temper tantrum so would you kindly repeat what you said?" I said shooting her an annoyed look. I thought she was about to lose her shit when everyone began to laugh, but instead she told me that my partner was Jackson and I almost lost my shit. Of course, Stacy was in this class and she nearly lost her shit too. After Ms. Grudge announced everyone's partner, we went to go sit in a desk next to them. As I walked to sit next to Jackson, Stacy gave me a death stare and I smirked evilly back to her, making her pissed off.

"Oh hey Sleeping Beauty, I see that you are actually awake in this class" Jackson said as I rolled my eyes.

" I'll have you know that I plan to get this project over with so this Sleeping Beauty can catch up on her sleep" I tell him.

" Soo do you know how to do this bullshit?" he ask being half serious.

" Well systems of equation is pretty simple, but she asked us to pick a method. I believe the elimination method is the easiest, but it's up to you for which method we us" I inform him.

I'm pretty sure you lost him right after the first word.

Ohhh so my inner thoughts are back?

Girl I'm never going away

Aw, well that sucks.

Girl you'd better watch it

Ok, ok...

" Hello?" Jackson says grabbing my attention. Oh shoot, I was staring out of space again.

" I'm sorry, I was staring out of space again wasn't I?" I asked feeling my cheeks turn.

" You must be tired, so let's get this done" he says to me. Oh wow, you know life throws you weird things everyone once in a while, and this was one of those moments. I was talking to a sexy man, and I was friends with a billionaire's daughter. I'm pretty sure that a few days ago, I was in a house where my dad wanted to kill me badly.

" Yeah, then I can go binge watch The 100 on Netflix" I said enthusiastically.

" AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" Ms. Grudge shrieked. Immediately, everyone turned to see Ms. Grudge's horrified face. Ohh... I would understand why she made that face. Someone actually pissed her bottle, and I'm guessing that was Bryan Cohen because he's at the back of the class laughing without making any noises. I realized that Jackson turned around to give him a "Nice job" look as he snickered quietly. I didn't think someone would actually piss in her bottle. #SorryNotSorry.

" Who did this?! You'd better admit now before you earn yourself a serious punishment" Ms. Grudge screamed at the class. Oh she was REEAALLLL mad and everyone was bursting out laughing.


" WHAT?! Awww Ms. Grudge, you don't have any proof that did that" Bryan said protested.

" Do you want to earn yourself another 50 sentences to write?" she questioned him angrily.

" No ma'am" he said quietly.

" Then I suggest you to get to writing" she suggested coldly. And for the rest of the class, we wrote out our punishment, later finishing with numb and painful hands.


" OH THANK GOD! EVERYONE RUN" Bryan shouted as everyone did exactly as he said. It was an actual stampede, so decided to stay back while the class room slowly cleared out.

" Mr. Cohen, do not even for a second think you are off the hook. You're on thin ice boy. One wrong step and you'll fall" Ms. Grudge said very menacing.

"Yes ma'am" he said rushing out the door. I was giggling at how dumb that boy is. I walked out the door praising the lord that this period was over. As soon as I walked out the door, I felt someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see an unexpected person wanting to say something to me.

" Hey Livia, I was wondering if you'd like to work on our project at my place tomorrow" Jackson asked me. I was brain dead for a good minute. Did he just asking me to work on a project at his place?!

Girl it's really not a big deal hones-


Girl chill, you're about to have an heart attack and you'd better answer the question before he takes it back

Oh shoot you're right...

" Um yeah, sure! I'd love to if that's ok. Well I mean you asked so.." I continued as i got quieter while my head began to spin.

"I'll take that as a yes. Here's my number if you have any questions and I will pick you up at 5. Does that sound good?" he asked chuckling a bit.


Girl I can't believe you got a hot boy's number


"Um yeah, thanks" I say giving him a warm smile before I take my leave. Ohhhh I have to tell Callie about this.


Qoftc: Have you had a friend do something as dumb as pissing in a bottle? My friend actually did this and I really couldn't believe him till I saw the bottle in the teacher's class😂

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Happy Reading📖


Unicorn Love🦄❤

- annaxwill

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