Chapter 15 - Meanest Stare in the World

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We were at my favorite ice cream place since I was a kid, and this made me so happy I literally screamed out the place Bruster's.

"Woah, calm down there, it's only ice cream" Jackson said making me huff in annoyance.

"What do you mean it's only 'ice cream'? I'll have you know that ice cream has been there through thick and thin. Of course I'd be excited to see my best friend ice cream" I announced causing him to back off. We went in line and waited until this weird chick behind us saw Jackson and began to flirt non stop.

"Hey there cutie" the chick behind us began. As we both turned around, I could feel Jackson feeling super uncomfortable which I almost cracked up to. But I would think he would know how to handle situations like this since he have to deal with Stacy everyday. I wanted to save this man his pride so I stepped in.

"Hey there, I know I'm a cutie but if you are trying to address my boyfriend and become his side hoe, sorry to crush your fantasies but it's not gonna happen" I responded trying to keep my cool but wanted to laugh so badly.

"Wow, rude, where'd you find your girlfriend at? The dumpster?" She hissed.

Ooh I got a good comeback for that

Ooh thanks for the comeback me

Anytime girl

"As a matter of fact he did. He realized something as valuable as me doesn't belong in trash like you" I retorted smirking so hard in the back of my head. With that, she took off so angry that you could see steam coming out her ears.

"Damn Anderson, you are fiesty." He smirked.

"Yeah, your welcome for saving your uncomfortable ass back there. Now I want my ice cream" I demanded from him. After the dude in front of us got his ice cream, we stepped up next only to have to wait more for my ice cream.

"What's up Bryan, and what are you doing here?" Jackson asked the kid in my class who got in trouble.

"My mom found out what I did and she made me work as a punishment, but I didn't want to go alone so I dragged Justin to help me with work" he rumbled.

"Serves you right" I muttered under my breath.

"Ahhh Jackson, who's this chick you brought?" He asked turning he attention to me.

"This is Livia, she's my parter for Ms. Grudge's project" He informed Bryan.

"Don't ever speak of her name. Her name sends shivers down my back bro" he whispered.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your brotherly reunion but this chick wants her ice cream" I groaned.

"Right, would y'all like to get?" Bryan said finally getting my lovely ice cream.

"COOKIES AND CREAM in a cone please" I blurted out immediately. With that, they both looked at me like I was crazy.

"Hey, I take my ice cream seriously" I shrugged.

"And can I get mint chocolate chip" Jackson requested.

"Yeah sure, and I'll pay for y'all" Bryan offered.

"Thanks bro" Jackson replied as we then waited for our ice cream. Ooh I can't wait for my ice cream. A minute later, Bryan gave us our ice cream and we headed to a bench to sit down and eat our treat. For your information, I was enjoying every part of my ice cream whether I looked crazy or not.

"So who's Justin?" I asked Jackson still enjoying my treat.

"He's my other best friend that I hang out with. The dude is super nice which I don't get" He told me. The only thing I replied back to him was a thumbs up because I was still enjoying my ice cream.

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