Chapter 14 - Pretty Boy

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"Oh umm, hi dad" I said ever so quietly. If you knew how terrified I was, you'd understand why.

"Livia, are you ok?" Jackson questioned me with a hint of concern.

"Hey Livia, are you ready to go?" My dad said sounding all civil but behind his words, he was threatening me with a knife hidden.

"Y-yeah, thanks for having me here Jackson" I said stuttering. I've never really done that before but I couldn't even speak because of the fear my dad paralyzed me with. I hopped into his truck turning back sending a help me look hoping Jackson saw because right now, I'm on my way to my death bed. As my dad drove off, I waited in silence for the hell that is about to be brought upon me.


Jackson's POV

"Livia, are you ok?" I questioned her confused and kinda worried. She's all happy and giddy like she was 5 minutes ago.

"Hey Livia, are you ready to go?" The stranger called out.

"Y-yeah, thanks for having me here Jackson" she muttered before she turned around and gave a concerning face like a cry for help. Something was up and I had to find out but of all of the time, the Winstons arrived for dinner.

20 minutes later

It's been 20 minutes and I can't stop thinking about Livia. I need to know if she's ok and if she's safe. No one gives a SOS face and changes their mood from happy to fearful so suddenly unless something is obviously up.

"Hey mom, could I excuse myself from dinner since guys are discussing business after all" I asked politely.

"Sure honey, you, Stacy, Isabella and James should go on while we talk" she suggested. Damn it, I wouldn't care if we were all excused if Stacy didn't try to hop on my dick.

"I love that idea Ms. Pierce! Please excuse us " Stacy chimed in. Oh Jesus, please have mercy on my damned soul and cast this demon OUT my house, Amen.

Click, Click, Click

"I can hear you Stacy so you can stop following me up to my room" annoyed with demon behind me I tell her.

She began to approach me until she came close enough to invade my personal space, "Oh stop being a tease Jackson. You know you can't resist me." Then she pushed me on my bed making me uncomfortable as she tried to get on top of me.

"What the hell are you doing Stacy? Get the hell off" angered by the stunt she tried, I push her off of me. I grabbed my key and made my way to my car, texting Livia asking if she was ok.

Me: Hey, you ok?

Tomato: yea

Me: You didn't seem ok. You sure?

Tomato: yea

Me: ok

I still feel like something's not right, but I guess it's not my business is it? I decided to go to a park so I could have time to think.

Back to Livia's POV

Ping Ping Ping

Jackson: Hey, you ok?

Me: yea

Jackson: You didn't seem ok. You sure?

Me: yea

Jackson: ok

I was in my make shift shell under my sheets. I never want to come out of it. Even if I tried, my body won't budge an inch because I am so scared. I was a punching bag for my dad and it scares me. I wonder how can my dad be more fake than Stacy. He can go to work and make decent money but come back and drink till he loses his soul. I can't stay here anymore, it's not good for me as scared as I am.

Oh god this is gonna hurt

Yeah? We gotta deal with it if we don't wanna be a punching bag anymore.


With that I jump out my window, when I decide to flee to a park that I knew my dad wouldn't try to find me if he found out that I fled the house. I was making my way to the park as I felt tears drip down my cheek as I immediately tried to wipe them away but they just kept coming. I felt embarrassed being able to be seen crying in public while walking. I looked up to see an empty bench for me to sit on.

Wow is it just me or this bench is making me sob more for some weird reason?

And I just sat there silently sobbing because God knows the pain I've been through.

"Livia" I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

Is that Jackson again? Girl wipe Your tears and clean yourself up

Don't have to tell me again

"Oh, hey Jackson" I said trying to cover everything with a smile.

"Stop smiling, you're scaring me"

"Well that's one way to say hi back" I said a little upset, turning back around where I was sitting. Then I felt Jackson's presence sitting next to me.

Attempt to start a conversation with me, he starts with a "Knock, Knock" joke.

"Who's there" I say still not facing him.

"Interrupting cow"

"Interrupting wh-"

"MoOOoOoOoo" he mooed obnoxiously as he acts like a freaking cow in PUBLIC. But I still laughed...

"What the hell Jackson, that was the lamest joke ever" I said as I turned around and gave him a lame look.

"But I still successfully made you laugh" he claimed proudly.

"Congratulation, do you need an award for your achievement?" I asked sarcastically.

"In fact, I do, would you provide my award by giving a kiss" he said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Smooth Pierce but not smooth enough" I said chuckling.

And then silence took over the conversation, but when I looked to Jackson, he looked like he had questions.

"Why did you lie to me Anderson?" he suddenly said out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"First you lied telling me you were again and then when I called your name, you turned around giving me a sad smile" he explained.

And that's when the slow water works began again. I wanted to pour everything out but I felt so obligated to.

"Jackson, there are so many things I want to say, but some things have their timing and right now, this is not the time" I said as my voice faded.

"Ok. But you know what we have time for?" he asked me.

"What?" I questioned wiping my tears.

"Yummy ice cream" he suggested giving me a mischievous smile.

"Oooh, you certainly are speaking my language pretty boy" I responded.

"Pretty boy?" he smirked looking at me.

"Shut up and take your compliment big head" I laughed.


A/N: I am enjoying writing this but I just need to manage time so be patient with me! THX

Qoftc: What is your comfort food?

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Unicorn Love🦄❤

- annaxwill

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