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Sneha and Meher got back to their class for the next lecture and saw two girls and a guy were sitting on their table with their back towards the entrance. Another girl and a swagger guy stood alongside them.

They were talking to the girl on table behind Meher's.

'Seniors?? Not another ragging session today!!!! ' Meher thought. Sneha and Meher shared a look and decided to wait at the entrance instead of going to their seat. Who would wanna face something like ragging again, specifically after a cringeworthy first experience.

But soon the guy who was sitting on their table, saw them standing near the door.

"Hey girls!!!", He called out.

Meher and Sneha looked towards the source of sound.

Meher and Sneha looked towards the source of sound

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"Are you guys from this class? ", The guy asked.

Sneha nodded her head.

"Well then why are you standing there? Come here", He smiled inviting them over.

Both girls walked towards the table after sharing a look of approval.

"Abhimanyu", The guy took out his hand introducing himself.

Meher shook his hand and introduced herself and Sneha followed the streak. Abhimanyu then introduced others.

"Don't worry, we are not gonna rag you. We just want to get to know our juniors. But.. seems like the time to go. We have an important lecture, we wouldn't wanna bunk.", Abhimanyu scrunched his nose.

"Yeah, your father's lecture ", Priya, one of the girls sitting with Abhimanyu stated and everyone else burst into laughter.

Abhimanyu shrugged and looked at Meher who was smiling at the joke.
"Well.. We will go now. But we will meet you two, soon. And oh.. In case you need help with ragging or anything just feel free to reach any of us, you will find us either in canteen or in final year classroom,latter being less probable.", Abhimanyu waved leaving the class and others made their exit too

Meher and Sneha took their seat. The Professor arrived and started teaching. All the students groaned to have to study on the first day itself, but the professor didn't give a damn.

" So..who was the guy", Sneha asked Meher nudging her elbow. Sneha was good at studies and was attentive in class. But this subject was too boring and the monotonous reading of professor didn't help the case either.

"I am thinking the same. He didn't even tell us his surname. I wonder what subject does his father teach", Meher replied, uninterested in the professors book reading.

Sneha furrowed her brows at Meher's answer. But she soon put two and two together and realized Meher was talking about Abhimanyu. "No... I'm not talking about Abhimanyu. I was talking about the guy who saved us from ragging, you know, the hot guy with beard",Sneha corrected Meher.

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