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"Go Madi!" Calum shouts, standing up from the bleachers. Both his fist is pumping in the air as he cheers her on. I look up to him and smile, knowing how happy he has been since he has met Madi.

I turn my head to the left and see Abbey walking next to Luke. Luke smiles when he sees me and gives me a wave.

They both climb the bleachers and Abbey sits next to me while Luke is scrabbling around the bleachers to stand by Calum. 

"Hey, how are you?" Abbey asks. Her hair is pulled into a high ponytail, she is wearing a blue shirt with Luke's black hoodie dangling loosely off her torso which reached down to her grey shorts.

"I'm okay," I tell her. "How are you?" I ask. Abbey was

I lean my head on Abbey's should before hearing Calum gasp and shout Madi's name worriedly. I look up and see Madi lying on the ground while the referees are blowing their whistles, ordering all the players off the field.

Madi's aunt is running out onto the field with Calum following quickly behind her. Abbey tells Luke to wait for Gracie and Mia, while she and I go out to the field.

Paramedics reach Madi before Abbey and I do. We finally get to Madi and she's regained consciousness, after putting her onto the gurney. Madi's aunt gives all of Madi's medical history as they wheel her to their vehicle.

When they take her into the vehicle, the paramedics establish that her blood pressure and sugar was incredibly low.

"She hasn't been eating," Calum says, sadly. He looks down at the ground, his back pressed against the vehicle, like ours. Tension fills the air, making it awkward between all of us.

"I've noticed too," I say honestly. Abbey's face is mixed with the expression of confusion and pain. Abbey and Madi were close and I know this must have hit Abbey hard.

"I have been trying to get her to eat, but it wasn't working. Nothing I was doing was working," his sullen eyes made my heart heavy. Everyone always classified Madi and Calum as the normal couple. At this point, it seems like the only competition for couples was Gracie and Michael and sort of Abbey and Luke.

Since Ashton left my house that night, I haven't been talking to him and we've honestly just been ignoring each other for quite awhile now. In my honest opinion, I didn't know if we were even considered a couple. We had been ignoring each other on mutual terms if that made any sense.


"You're eating, Madeline," my mom says sternly. After the soccer game, Madi's aunt drove her to my (our) house and explained everything to my mom. Madi's aunt stood next to my mom, mimicking her body language.

"Can you guys stay with Madeline? I need to talk to Rene's mom," Madi's aunt tells us. We all nod and watch them leave the room.

"I will force feed you," Calum tells her, attempting to act serious but a small smile playing on his lips. Abbey nods in agreement and while Gracie sits in the corner, biting her nails, with her crutches tucked behind her legs. I yawn and decide to leave them all and go to my room.

My mind was clouded by thoughts of Ashton, wondering if I'd hear from him ever again. Truthfully, I felt like I could finally breathe for once without having constant butterflies.

I grab my phone off the charge and see that I did actually have a text from Ashton.

Ashton: hey

me: hi

Ashton: hey

me: you already said that.

Ashton: I'm sorry

me: i know

Ashton: i really fucked up and im sorry it took so long to get back to you, but i was pretty sure you and i both needed space

me: youre right.

Ashton: can we talk later

me: idk can we?

Ashton: stfu :P

me: make me :P

Ashton: oh you know I would

me: id like to see you try

Ashton: i know what that pretty little mouth can do

me: apparently so do our friends xD

me: "Ashton's penis is hanging out!" -Shianne

Ashton: no one embarrasses me more than that girl, buy i luv her

me: she's pretty cool

Ashton: can we meet soon please?

me: yeah, where at?

Ashton: no one's home rn, I'll pick you up in 5

me: ok.


I got to Ashton's house and we didn't talk much, rather we just sat together in silence and a lot of sexual tension. I didn't know that people could easily channel their anger into sexual thoughts.

"I'm sorry," Ashton breaks the silence before taking me by surprise and engulfing me in a hug.

"I love you," Ashton kisses the top of my head and squeezes me. "I'm sorry for everything I-" I cut him off with my lips.

Every movement turned from soft and sweet to aggressive in less than two minutes. Before I could catch my breath, we had raced to Ashton's room. My legs were soon wrapped around his waist while my back was pressed against his bedroom door.

The pads of his fingers grazed over my skin, allowing goosebumps to come to the surface. Ashton sets me down and pulls up my shirt by the hem, exposing my gray sports bra. He pulls off his shirt, and his lips come back to mine.

Our lips don't leave each other while we attempt to walk to my bed, but that ends when Ashton trips on one of my shoes, causing him to fall back and topple on top of me, landing on the bed.

"You are so fucking clutz," I laugh and try to shift because all of his weight was on me.

"Shut up," he chuckles. I laugh and we get ourselves set on the bed, his body hovering over mine as we make out. After a few moments, his lips leave mine again and he sits up, hooking his fingers into my shorts and underwear.

"Is this okay?" he asks. I grant him permission with the nod of my head and a hum. He pulls down my shorts followed by my orange panties. His hands slowly ride up my thighs and I moan.

"Fuck, you're so wet," Ashton is practically licking his lips before his head goes down to my core and I feel his mouth practically devour me. My hips buck and I start to swarm while Ashton's hands harshly hold the backs of my thighs.

His tongue goes inside of me, swirling around while his lips suck on my clit.

"Fuck, daddy," I choke out. He replaces his tongue with his fingers while he uses his tongue to draw different figures around my folds. "I need you," I tell him honestly. He ceases his actions, surprised by my words.

"Are you positive, Rene?" I nod my head, and he asks once again. I tell him that it was okay and he starts to take off his pants and boxer completely undressing. Once he puts on a condom, he positions himself over me. I could already feel the tip of him sweep over my core.

"I'll go slow, baby," he starts to push himself in causing my walls to stretch. I shut my eyes tightly as he continues to push in more.

Why the fuck did Gracie say that sex was pleasurable? I'm going to fucking die.

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