Jeff is Mine

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Alice POV

"Oh Jeff I love you so but you will never know. Jeff I watch you from behind, I watch you because your mine." I sing while taking a shower. I turn off the knob and exit the shower wrapping a navy blue towel around me. I get my gold encrusted hair brush and comb my wet, jet black hair. "Oh Jeff you are mine, because you are so fine." I continued to sing. I smile and stop brushing my hair when I no longer feel any knots left in my hair. I quickly put on my normal blue dress. I see my reflection and smile. I notice my green eyes in the reflection of my mirror. I always loved how bright my eyes got after I killed that son of a bitch doctor. I walked over to my gold jewelry box and take out my mom's ribbon. I never liked how pink it was, in some ways it made me sick how my demon mother could be so girly. I quickly grab the silky pink ribbon and burn it with my powers. I stared at the ashes the ribbon left. Did I really jut do that? I felt the hot substance hit my pale hand, blood. I suddenly heard a knock on my door, most likely my brother Zalgo. I lift my head up slowly and watch him come in, but stops when he notices that I was smiling.
"Alice...? Is that mom's ribbon?!?!?!" he said fear invading his voice.
"Brother I wish to know if I could go killing by myself." I try to say as nice as possible. Bleh...
"Alice you know no one can see you." he says, but then I forced myself to cry. This better work. He is my older protective brother, so this should work. "Alice, you could go, just stop crying!" he says. I smile and make my knife appear.

"Thank you dearest brother." I smile and teleport to a girl named Alice with blond hair.

Then I see Jeff coming towards the girl smiling. What. The. Fuck. I transform into a blue butterfly and start to spy on them.

"Jeff! Your back!" the annoying girl said happily?. Who does she think she is, talking to Jeff like a normal person!

"Alice I will never leave you. Especially on our 2 year anniversary." Jeff says oh so sweetly. What is this feeling. It is like a deep red and blue feeling. Is this, is this Jealousy. Yup, it is. This girl will beg me for mercy, yes I love that after all, Jeff is mine. I transform back to myself . I walk out of the shadows so she can see me. I put some illusion spell on her so only she can see me. I make everything aroud her turn look like my mad wonderland. She looks around frighted and stops doing everything when she sees me. I feel her fear growing more intense by the minute. I start to walk towards her.

"Awwww, you look so cute when you scared. I wonder how would you look like if you were dead!" I sneer. I run towards her but teleport behind her when she thought we were going to collide into each other.

"JEFF! HELP! AaAAaAaaaAAAAaahhhhhhhh!" She screams. I see Jeff looks at her in horror not knowing what to do. I grab her hand and yank her on to the ground causing her to think we are falling down a rabbit hole. Then pull her up off the groud stopping that illusion.

"Awww, poor poor Alice is scared." I say with amusement. "You know my name is Alice. But I am the knly Alice Jeff is aloud to date!" With that I stab her right shoulder causing her to scream. This brings me great satisfaction.

"JEFF HELP!" She screams. I start to laugh mor and more. With each laugh I stab her again and again. I look at her blood soaked dress. I smile and walk towards her and stab her eyes and twisting my knife in her eyes sockets. When I pull my knife out I here her choking on her own blood. "Pathetic. Jeff deserves better!" I say before cutting her head off creating her de headed body a blood fountain. I start to laugh the craziest and satisfactory laugh. Then I hear Jeff cry and turn to face me. Shit I forgot about the spell.

"You fucking bitch! YOU KILLED HER!!!" Jeff says before trying to stab me.

"Awww Jeff. You deserve better like me. I mean a human, you can do way better." I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

"DIE YOU MOTHER FUCKING BITCH!" Jeff yells at me. Ouch gotta say that mentally hurt.

"JEFF I LOVE YOU AND YOU WILL LOVE ME BEACAUSE YOU ARE MINE!!!!! SHE WAS IN OUR WAY!!" I yell back smiling. I teleport behind him and wrap my arms aroud him."Jeff we were ment to be just give me a chance." I whisper seductively in his ear. I feel him stiffen then laugh.

"Slendy where were you?!" he yell at slenderman. Shit. With that I dissappear back to my room excited about what just happened. Because now




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