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Alice's POV

"Hello Cinda the Craze." I sad politely. Sure I did not like how she was so touchy touchy with Jeff and sliced one of my butterflies, but Cinda plays an important role in this game......

"So who the fuck are you?!?!" She asked me. I only looked at her emotionless.

I walked close to her and wrapped mh arms around her torso. I slowly whispered in her ear,"Alice. Cinda I hear you are, or at least want to be a creepypasta. I can make it happen under one condition, " she looked at me questionly. I know that she has no eyes but with my powers I can tell her emotion just as if she had eyes. "Join me in my game....." I finish making my ehes glow a bright red.

"Why do I need your help after all I am capable of dojng this my self! So why do I need your help." she said back with venom in her voice. I do have great intrest with Cinda, she is such a fun toy. I like how she is crazy, and how she stalks slendy even when she knew that he could kill her in a second. I felt a smile start to form on my face.

"Ahhh, of course you would choose the most difficult way. But I shall not mope on the let down, I heard from a certain kitty that your looking for Slendy. I can insure you that he usnt worried about you, but more in this girl with fire powers. I would tell you more but your not to get involved with this game...., at least not yet." I told her. I watched as emotions set in the atmosphere. Jealousy, envy, and most of all anger.

"No wait.." I heard her day reluctantly.

"Dear, trust me when I say this game is quite easy I just need you as a peice. You see my brother is playing against me, cause I fear we got bored." I said I saw a thoughtful orua.

(Cinda's POV for a sec)

If I say yes I have no fuckin clue what im going to go threw, but if I say yes I get to know abow this Kasai Ōjo. And if I say no I have to find out myself and I might find false facts. Hmmmmmm YOLO.

"Ahh why not."

(Alice's POV)

"Ahhh good now here is everyhing you need to know. Kasai Ōjo is a fire kind of creepy pasta which means she was burned to death. She is a bacca which is like a wolf except they are more loyal and stronger, their hearing is 10x better, they can smell anything meaning she can smell when something bad is going or happen or when something good is about to happen. She also has bacca sences which mean she knows which way is better, so if your ever lost follow her. She hates cooked fish, she will kill you if you try to give her one. Her fire powers are powerful, she can create a flame sowrd and bow, she can cast fire spells and very few healing spells, She has an eye for Shiney things and any thing jungle/woods related. She is a very loyal friend, but gaing her trust is hard. I would stay away from her at the moment being that she is in a rage. Be warned, her rages are very horrible, she uses her bacca and fire powers at the same time. She also has a soft spot for BEN. As for her looks it is not important, but never lie to her. All in all, dont piss her off, and try to be-friend her." I told her. She was still processing the information I gave her when Masky barged in.

"Hey guys Slendy wanted to know - ahhhhh." Masky screamed while falling down. "Why me I never finish my cheesecake around you guys. Slendy needs Jeff." Masky said picking up the cheese cake.

"Well I am going to see what Slendy wants. " Jeff say getting up. Cinda said something but I didn't catch it so I just watched as Jeff left the room.

Jeff's POV

I walked down stairs to see what Slendy wanted. but I fell off the stairs onto a girl with short brown hair and a red dress with fire on the ends. She looked up at me and started to growl. Well shit.

Our Love's Maddness (Jeff the Killer and Alice Liddell fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now