The Pissed off Bacca

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Kasai Ōjo's POV

"What the fuck man!!! Have you ever heard of looking where you look. Fuck man that hurt." I told the fucking smiling idiot slendy told me was Jeff the Killer. I felt the end of my hair start to turn to fire. Shit man that hurt. I pushe dthe fuckimg idiot off me.

"What the fuck is your problem. Who the fuck are you and what ate you doing here bitch!!!" Jeff said with anger and irration in his voice. I rolled my eyes and started to get back up. Not hunna be mad. no NOT EVEN MAD. SHOT HE PISSES ME OFF.

"The name is Ōjo, bastard. Now piss off before I hurt your already ugly face of yours. I felt like I have crossed a line, BUT I DONT EVEN GIVE A FUCK.

Jeff got up and pinned me against the wall.I felt my back crash on to the cold wall causing me to grunt. "Listen here you bitch, I am the most fabulous person and most likely last you will ever meet. So GO.TO.SLEEP." Jeff said . I was about to burn this little Jeffery to a crisp when I started to have a massive head ache. I turned my head to see the thing that brought me here. Slenderman.

"Jeff put her down. She might make you wish you never met her. As for you Kasai Ōjo, I am greatly disappointed. Jeff here will show you to your room. Jeff after you are done you shall play with Sally. Do I make myself clear." Slendy said. I must admit, I kinda think Slendy was being very stupid. I mean Jeff tried to kill me. I mean who the fuck does that.

"That is not fair!!! She is the one that started it." Jeff whined. I swear he was acting like a completely immature. Watch and learn Jeff.

"I am truly sorry for what I have done, but making the person that almost killed me show me to my room is completely, as you say, Screwed up. " I retorted to him as if I was still royalty. I bowes down really low show my sincereness.

"What you have done will not be tolarated so what I have said earlier shall happen."he said authority in his voice visible. Jefd and I groaned in union. He glared at me and told me to follow him. When I entered my room I saw Alice. OH SHIT YO.

Alice POV

WHAT THE FUCK IS JEFF DOING WITH MY SOON TO BE PAWN. I sent mental daggers at slendy knowing it was his doing. You see Slendy is my brothers pawn. Oh well cant have all the good pawns. I walked up to the bacca and stared into her eyes. Oh shit Jeff pissed her off.

"Jeff get out of here Cinda, Kasai, and I are going to have a girls day." I said making a part of me hurt. Oh well. I walked up to Kasai and leaned in to get a better veiw.

"So what are we going to do?" Cinda asked. I started to smile at my brilliant idea.

"Make over!!!"

This is very short and I am sorry. I really hate how I wrote this out. One day I will re write it so it actually makes sense. I miss Ben. He went to go kill with Jeff. Love you ghost.

Our Love's Maddness (Jeff the Killer and Alice Liddell fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن