Chapter Three

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Mizuki's POV

I ran as fast as I could away from the only place I ever knew. The place that was suppose to be home was no longer home. I felt my lips tremble as the memory of what happened flashed through my mind.

Mom had shoved me in the secret hideout. I had my bag with mom's Hyuga scrolls and dad's Uchiha scrolls. I was studying those before mom had shoved me in here. I knew that it was because we were in danger. It's the plan dad had told me about for as long as I could remember. I was 3 years old then. I wasn't like many kids that age. I was able to understand and form understandable sentences. Dad said I was a lot like how he was when he was younger. This plan was made in order to protect me. If we were ever discovered that mom would put me here while she fended off our attackers. She had promised me that no matter what happened she would be there to protect me.

I could hear the sounds of wood breaking and screams of pain. I tried to shut my ears to the noise but I couldn't. I wanted to scream in fear but I had to stop myself. I wasn't going to let my fear cost me my mother's effort to keep me safe. Instead I bit my lip to the point that I drew blood. The battle seemed to drag on for so long that I eventually heard nothing. I was about to stand and walk over to the door of the secret hideout when there was a sudden voice.

"There's nothing here. All that was here was that woman. The way she fought us made me think there was something she was protecting. Let's go and report this."

"He isn't going to be happy to hear there was nothing. He was hoping that bastard Itachi had something to hide and use against him." another voice spoke.

"Whatever, not our problem. We completed our mission and we killed that woman." the first voice spoke again sounding proud.

"She was a Hyuga that something of value and maybe he can use." the second voice had said with a hopeful edge.

I heard footstep walking away from the hideout. I was trying hard to process what he had said about mama and papa. Who wanted to use us to hurt papa? Was mama really gone? Tears threaten to fall as I put my hand over my mouth to cover my sobs. I needed to see Mama. I needed to leave and find papa... I waited and waited just staring at the wall that separated me and her.

From the outside it just looked like a wall but from inside you can see where you can open it. After what felt like hours I opened the wall and quietly stepped through. I slowly and cautiously walked through the house until I saw mama lying on the ground. Blood was everywhere. I stared in horror as I rushed to mama.

"Ma-Mama! Please don't leave me. I need you." I cried into her chest. Her warmth was no longer in her body. I clutched to her, sobbing even harder knowing mama was no longer with me.

I knew I had to leave before someone else came back and saw me here.

I ran back to the room that I was in throwing the door ajar and grabbing my bag that had mama and papa's scrolls as well as some weapons my dad had gifted me for training when he was around. I ran back into my room and got my clothes from my drawers. They had my dad's clan crest. No matter what, I had to remember that I am Mizuki Uchiha.
I ran back to mom's body her blood had stained my clothes but I didn't care. I quickly gave mom a final kiss goodbye on her cheek and vowed that I would find papa and become stronger.

End of flashback

I continued running through the forest. I wasn't sure where I was going but just that I needed to leave my home. This forest had to lead somewhere right? I've never really left the forest. I was always within mama's Byakugan and the safety of my home in sight. I've never been this far into the forest before.  I could feel fear crawling up my skin the further I ran.
Night had fallen but I continued running for a few more hours before jumping to a high branch to sleep. I had a kunai in my  hand as I used my backpack as pillow for my back. I slowly fell asleep. Waking up to the slightest noise and the cycle repeated until the sun rose. I quickly got up and continued forward.
What if I never find Papa? What if I die before I can become stronger?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts

No, I wasn't going to think like that..

I'm an Uchiha. I will find papa and I will avenge mama. I told myself sternly while tears threaten to escape my eyes. I had to blink several times so I didn't cry. Instead I pushed ahead, keeping my mind from wondering. I tried not to think but it was hard. I missed mama and papa.

Papa... Where are you? I need you... My lips trembled as I thought about papa.

He always had to leave us after he stayed with us for awhile. I didn't like it but I understood. Now that mama was gone, I was beginning to wonder if we were really ever important...

I begin to cry as more negative thoughts flooded my mind. I couldn't help it. I was hurt and he wasn't here.

The Life of Itachi's Daughter: Book 1 [UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now