Chapter 16

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Author's Note: I have been editing this over and over again. As a writer, there is never a chapter that feels perfect but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the wait! A lot has happened and I have been struggling with finding a balance but I promise this story is still in progress and I will be updating as much as I am able too. Thanks for all the support and love!   

~Mizuki's POV~

It's been four days since we were recommended to partake in the Chunin Exams. Sakura and I have spent hours together, non-stop training in Taijutsu, medic ninjutsu (not that I was anywhere near proficient) mostly focused on the basics, dressing a wound, and healing minor cuts. Having trained with her made me see what areas she lacked in and what were her strongest ones as well as teaching her the water ninjutsu. It's not my element so I haven't been able to perfect it but papa did teach me the basics which I passed on to her. She surprisingly had a talent for water jutsu. She picked it up pretty fast, a lot faster than I did and more than I ever will.

She also helped in getting to train my eyes, such as the Byakugan. Even trying to train my Sharingan, even though I haven't been able to fully activate it at will yet I have been able to focus on her movement and slowly start to see the patterns. Which I think was a good sign, and bringing out the Sharingan's abilities and hoped it meant that I was getting closer to understanding how to activate it at will. Sasuke was able to, and I was still too prideful to ask him about it.

Today, however, I decided that Sakura should take the day to reflect on whether or not she will be joining us in the Chunin Exams, and I was going to take a solo training day for myself. I was heading to the usual training spot when I felt the air change. A group of three appeared, surrounding me in a moment. Making me stand my ground as I tensed up, getting ready for what felt like a battle.

What the hell?! I looked around to see no escape. I stood still, trying to figure out a strategy for this situation. They aren't saying anything except staring me down.

Why was the air so ominous? What did they want? This situation brought back memories of when I first came here. Lord Third had warned me against keeping my name as it would draw attention to me. Was this one of those moments? They didn't have a headband that I could see, but I couldn't see their faces. Could papa actually have enemies? I felt my body tense as I glared at them. I took another look around to see if there was a way to escape however I really was surrounded.

Damnit, the best course of action was to flee. If I attack and they are shinobi of the leaf, I could get in serious trouble.

The sound of a string sounded to my left that I looked over to see it catch the light as it flew towards me. Quickly sending chakra to my feet, I jumped into the air, trying to jump over them only for me to feel something wrap around my foot. Before I could react, I was being flung towards the ground, crashing into the ground, the wind knocked out of me. I gasp, trying to breathe. What the hell was their problem?

I pushed past the pain as I brought myself to stand. I closed my eyes briefly before opening them when I felt the familiar pulsation surround my eyes. My vision expanded near 360 degrees. Screw regulations.

"I don't know what your problem is or what the hell you want, but if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!" I snarled before launching myself forward, my palm at my side. The hooded figure jumped out of the way at the last minute, but I could see it! It was only for a brief moment, but I saw the motion. Excited, I redirected my attack, grabbing his leg before swinging him back down to the ground. His body crashing into the ground.

I saw the other two rushed over behind me, that I quickly expanded my chakra outward before rotating. Their groans of pain filled the air as I stopped rotating. I walked over to one, about to try to talk and see what this whole thing was about, only to see a log in place. What the hell?!

The Life of Itachi's Daughter: Book 1 [UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now