Chapter 10

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It's been a few days since the pass or fail mission and we just finished our cat rescue mission. We are currently on our way to report to Lord Hokage. Naruto was grumbling about the cat on the way over and I was just keeping to myself. I was exhausted from trying to learn medical ninjutsu. I wouldn't even be trying to learn but it was the Hokage's request.

We were finally in front of the Hokage as I thought back to medical ninjutsu. I wasn't sure how it was going to be beneficial to me but I couldn't exactly argue with the man. He smoked from his pipe as he cleared our mission.

"Alright here are other missions." He tells us before reading off different D-rank missions. Ugh no way! Not more D-rank missions.

"No! No way! No more lame missions!" Naruto yells out.

"Yeah! How are we supposed to get stronger if all we are doing is D-rank missions?" I spoke up, agreeing with Naruto.

I was determined to get stronger and doing these kinds of missions was just boring and didn't really require chakra. Mostly just stamina.

"So you both think you are ready for something better than a D-rank? Despite barely starting out?" He asked us.

"Heck yeah!" Naruto and I exclaimed excitedly.

"Very well, I will assign you a C-rank escort mission. You will be escorting someone back safely to the land of waves.

Naruto and I high fived each other excited to have gotten a better mission before Naruto asked him who we were escorting. Only for Lord Third to announce the visitor to come into the room.

"Send in our visitor."

We all looked towards the door to see a middle-aged man with a beer in his hand. This is the guy we are escorting?

"What? They are just a bunch of kids. How are a bunch of kids supposed to escort me?"

"Maybe you should ask for a cane instead of an escort back to your village," I said as I glared at him, the man looking over at me. As if contemplating whether or not to be mad. I was ready to combat anything he said only for me to be taken aback when he cracked a smile. I looked away, not sure how to react.

After some time and reassurance on Kakashi-sensei's part to Tazuna, we were dismissed to get ready for the mission. We were to leave the village at noon exactly. I was now at home ready to leave. It's the first time leaving the village since arriving here. I had no idea how restricted they were about who left and came in.

I went through my bag to make sure I had everything. I noticed a large shirt. I remember grabbing this shirt when papa was gone and I missed him. There were times where I would sleep in papa's shirt just so I felt like he was with me. I smiled and put it back towards the bottom. When I noticed a silver chain in one of the small pockets. I pulled it out to see that it was indeed a silver chain with the Uchiha fan dangling at the center.

Daddy... Thank you. I smiled clutching the necklace in my palm before placing it inside the drawer by my bedside table.

I packed a few lunches for myself that wouldn't spoil. Before leaving my home and making a small pit stop at the teashop to get some dango. I loved the tri-colored ones. Green, white, and pink. Glazed in a sweet soy glaze. It was delicious! After purchasing a couple of skewers, I went straight to the gate. I ignored Tazuna as I ate my dango.

Slowly everyone had arrived. Sasuke gave me a weird look as I was munching away on the dango. I offered him one, only for him to look away. He had this grumpy look on his face for some reason. Does he not like sweets?

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