Chapter Four

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Mizuki's POV

It's been a week since I fled my home. I was hungry and thirsty. I was even tired from the lack of sleep I had been getting. I was having nightmares of mama's death. I found a trail that had a river near by. I rushed to the river to get something to drink. I threw my face into the water gulping in the water before I broke away from the water. I breathed in some air, as I grabbed my hair to dry it. It was long and raven colored. It was the color of my dad's hair but darker. Mama said I looked exactly like daddy but had her skin tone. Not pale but a perfect tone that was balanced...

However I was more interested in how much I resembled dad. It pleased me that I was like him not just in looks but in his advanced skills. I was able to control chakra and use it well. I already knew how to channel it to a specific part of my body. Though I was a lot like mama in the way I fought. Dad had said it was a great combination if only I could perfect it. I didn't really understand what he meant.

I continued to look at the river when I felt myself drift forward. I quickly caught myself before falling into the river. I was getting so dizzy but I pushed through it and made myself continue to walk back to the trail.

I don't know how long I walked until I came near a huge wall with doors opened. I could feel hope spark inside my chest as I tried to rush to the place. However I was so weak that my vision began to blur and I felt my legs tremble before I began to fall towards the ground. I blacked out before I even hit the ground.

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3rd POV

Two men were guarding the gate when one had gasped. One was looking at the other before looking in the direction they were looking at. They both immediately got into a stance. As though preparing for a possible attack while cautiously approaching what had caught their attention.

A little girl about the age of 11 laid there unconscious. They moved her long hair out of her face to see who it was when they gasped at what they saw.

"We have to let Hokage-sama know right away." one said picking up the little girl.

"I'll stay here and guard the gate-"

"What do we have there you two?" a silver haired man spoke from behind them.

"Ahh, Kakashi! We saw this little girl collapsed we need to let Hokage-sama know right away. Don't you think she looks like HIM?" the guard holding the girl said tilting her so that her hair moved away from her face. The silver haired man eyes widen when he saw her face.

"I'll take her to Hokage-sama. She needs a doctor right now." he said noticing that her feet looked like they were badly sunburned and some of the skin was torn like she had been running through the trees. Her clothes had patches that were covered in dried blood. He takes her out of the guard on duty's hands and poofed to the hospital. He gets her admitted before going to the Hokage tower.

He knocks and once he gets a come in. He sees that there was another man with bandages wrapped around half his face. He looks at the man in the center of the room. He was an old man with white hair. He had a pipe in the corner of his mouth.

"Kakashi what may I do for you?" the man with the pipe asked.

"Lord Third, I need to speak with you privately." he states, the man with the bandages narrowed his eye.

"What is it that you can't say with me here?"

"I mean no disrespect Danzo. I just need to report to Lord Hokage. If he wished it, he can tell you after I have spoken with him." Kakashi stated like the news he had to say to Lord Hokage wasn't anything special.

"Every well. Sarutobi, I will take my leave." he said quickly bowing before he leaves the room.

"Speak Kakashi. What is it that you couldn't say with Danzo here?"

"You need to see for yourself. I'm not sure myself. The guards found a little girl near the gate. I admitted her to the leaf hospital. She was in a rough shape. Her feet were torn and she had a lot of scraps, her clothes were torn in some areas... there was also a lot of blood on her clothing."

"Take me to see her." Hokage-sama said and he nodded before walking back to the hospital.

Once they were told what room the little girl was in they went to see her. The doctor was observing her when they got there.

"Lord Third." the medic nin bowed before handing the chart over to the hokage.

The hokage looked at the girl and was shocked to see that she looked so much like Itachi. He looked at the chart and was surprised that she was half starved and had collapsed due to malnutrition and exhaustion. Her feet would recover nicely but she needed sleep.

"What about the blood on her clothes?" He asked the medic.

"She has no wounds except on her feet, so the blood isn't hers." He answered

The Hokage nodded before dismissing him from the room. The medic bowed before leaving. The Hokage looked at the girl before speaking.

"Kakashi, I don't think it would be necessary to get a DNA test. One look at her and you know who her father is. We will have to question her when she wakes up. You are to stay here until she does and bring her to me."

Kakashi nodded at the Hokage's orders. His eyes fell on the a backpack in her closet. He opened it to see Hyuga, and Uchiha scrolls, kunais, and two changes of clothes. He grabbed the shirt and saw the Uchiha crest on the back. He faced the hokage showing him the shirt.

"So she is an Uchiha... Until we speak with her, no one is to know." he said sternly. Kakashi nodded before putting away the girl's things. 

The Hokage left the room and Kakashi got himself comfortable on a chair and pulled out a book from his pouch.

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