Chapter 12

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I woke up to a bright light, shining down on me, for a moment I felt at peace until I remembered I had collapsed. I tried to get up only to feel pain radiate throughout my body. It was like I had worked out for the first time. My body was sore from overusing my chakra. I groaned as I slowly sat up. Only to see Sasuke was sitting nearby. His arms crossed across his chest. He looked to be sleeping. I tried to sit up more quickly but the movement only made me let out another groan of pain causing Sasuke to look up. He seemed momentarily surprised but it almost felt like I imagined it as his expression quickly went back to his usual stoic expression. My head began to spin and pound at the same time.

I sat still waiting out the dizziness and the slight pounding in my head in which I knew was from using the Byakugan. It was so much more draining than I had expected despite training with Mom. It's one thing learning the techniques but actually using them especially tied to being near death really took its toll... I had no idea using the Byakugan would really wear me out. It probably also had to do with almost drowning in that water prison jutsu...

I could practically hear Zabuza's laughter as I thought back to how I got trapped. Hehehe, I remembered correctly. The Byakugan has one blind spot right behind the neck area... He could have ended me right then and there yet he chose a ruthless way. It was torture... Like I was a prey that he got to watch slowly die. He almost succeeded if it weren't for Naruto and Sasuke. I was definitely glad that they saved me and I was able to redeem myself in the end. The way he died though, there was something wrong with it. I still felt like his presence was looming over me, watching my every move....

Sasuke and I both didn't say anything especially since I didn't know what to say. Thanks for saving me? That just sounds so stupid and like I'm accepting defeat. Which I knew made no sense...

He just sat there not even looking in my direction. As if this was awkward for him as well. Which honestly made me feel better.

"H-How's uh everyone?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Fine, Naruto's still out. He tried to stay awake until you woke up." He tells me, looking away almost bashfully.

I looked down at my lap, feeling a mixture or guilt and happiness.

"Are you...uh..." I stopped looking away. I couldn't look at him. "Is everyone okay?"

"Fine. Kakashi's still out but he'll be awake soon since you woke up."

"I how long was I out?" I asked

"Just two days."

"Just two days?! What do you mean, just two days?!" I asked him, jumping to my feet but my body reacted badly to that as I almost fell back down had Sasuke not grabbed me in time. Stopping me from falling to the floor.

"Such a pain," he muttered.

"You're one to talk." I grumbled, trying to steady my legs so I could walk.

Sasuke helped me up, swinging one of my arms around his shoulders. I hold on tightly in an attempt to keep myself steady. My legs still felt weak despite recovering for two whole days, I could stand on them but only with Sasuke's support.

"Dammit, this is the last thing I wanted. I'll make sure this doesn't happen again," the irritation was leaking out into my tone.

I had to rely on Sasuke to not completely fall over and that seemed embarrassing all on its own. He didn't reply and so we slowly made our way into the other room where everyone was.

Sasuke opened the door to Kakashi's room, and everyone turned to see us. Naruto's eyes lit up as he rushed over.

"Mizuki! You're okay!" hugging both Sasuke and I. I was slightly caught off guard by the hug as well as flinching in the slight ache in my muscle. Sasuke didn't seem to appreciate being caught in the hug. I couldn't help but smile as Naruto let us go. We all moved towards Kakashi who seemed to be observing us patiently.

The Life of Itachi's Daughter: Book 1 [UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now