Chapter Seven

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Mizuki's POV

It's been two weeks since I started the academy and I began living in the Leaf Village. It's also been two weeks since my encounter with that raven-haired boy who I now know is Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha. Which sort of explained his obsession with my last name. The only thing that was still a mystery was why having the same last name was a big deal. I mean, Shi-san didn't react that way and we had the same last name.

Anyways, today there was no class so I was free to roam the village. However, I thought I would use the time to keep training to get stronger and for my upcoming fight with Sasuke. I don't know when it was going to happen but I wanted to be prepared. As I was getting ready, I took out my kunais and shurikens out of my backpack so I could practice my shuriken jutsu later. They were a gift from papa when I turned six. It was then that he taught me the shuriken jutsu. I always had fun learning from him and I think that had to do with the fact that he was hardly ever home. So I would practice and practice just so I could show papa how good I've gotten.

I had barely laid out my training clothes on my bed when there was a knock on my door. Confused, I looked over at the door. I don't remember expecting anyone over. After a slight hesitation, I walked over and opened the door.

A pair of blue eyes and blonde hair greeted me.

"N-Naruto? What are you doing here?" I asked, barely managing to prevent my voice was cracking. How did he know where I lived?

"I, uh, always see you training, never really hanging out with friends. So I thought I'd introduce you to some of my friends. Having no friends can get kind of lonely." he said and I thought I saw a flicker of sadness behind his eyes but it was gone when he looked at me and grinned. Maybe I imagined it.

Still surprised, I was flustered at his consideration and kindness. It made me feel like maybe I had a chance to belong. I mean I know I'm strange with all the flinching I did these past two weeks when the bell rang and people trying to talk to me. It was that reason that I've avoided making friends but now I wasn't about to turn down an invitation. Especially since I've mostly stuck near him these past two weeks.

"Sure that would be nice. Um, I just need to change first." I said when I realized I was still wearing my pj's. It was kind of embarrassing and I wasn't sure why I was being self-conscious. "Uhm, come in," I said with a slight smile opening the door wider for him to come inside.

He took off his shoes and walked towards the living room. I mentioned him to sit on the sofa while I went to get dressed. I closed my bedroom door and put my training clothes away. Instead, I got out a white sleeveless shirt with black capris. I put my hair into a messy ponytail before I made sure to apply ointment to my feet before wrapping them in clean bandages. I walked out of my room once I was done. I noticed Naruto was looking around the living room.

"Nice place you've got here," he says with a grin.

"It's just a place... not really home," I muttered to myself as I looked around. It was furnished to an extent. Plain and minimal but nice and somewhat cozy if I actually bothered to be here most of the time. I don't plan to add things to this place because I plan to leave when I'm stronger. For now, it was just a place for me to stay.

"Huh?" came Naruto's response and I realized I said that out loud. Flustered, I quickly waved my hand in a dismissive way, my voice almost cracking.

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