Chapter 15

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Mizuki's POV

The breeze brushed gently against my cheek as I leaned against the railing. Naruto and Sakura were complaining about Kakashi sensei being late once again after summoning us today while Sasuke was... well Sasuke. I was feeling refreshed with a new sense of purpose after reestablishing my friendship with Naruto. I pulled out one skewer of Dango and munched away happily. I closed my eyes in blissful joy only to open them again when I heard a stomach growling. I looked over to see Naruto eyeing my Dango.

"Aye Mizuki, can I have one?" he asked, grinning sheepishly.

"No way! I got these from gran on the way over here!"

"Aww, come on Mizuki don't be like that! I'm starving and it's not cool to wave your food like that around!"

"I'm not waving it around," I said, taking another bite as slowly as possible to emphasize how good it was. I looked over to see Sasuke looking at us. "Don't think I've forgotten our deal. You owe me," I smirked, waving my Dango, making his eyebrows furrow in irritation. I hadn't received any since we got back and I was gonna make damn sure I did.

I pulled out another skewer of Dango and was about to munch on that when I saw Naruto, giving me the puppy look. I sighed and offered my dango to him. I looked away, feeling my lips curve into a pout at the thought that I just shared my dessert.

"Thanks, Mizuki!" he says, his tone excited and happy. I was content with giving him my dango after seeing his face glowing with satisfaction, but it only lasted a moment. That was my breakfast. He was gonna owe me.

As I thought about the slight emptiness in my stomach, I saw a box shuffling towards us. It was a crappily drawn attempt to make it look like the rocks on the ground. Not much for an attempt to camouflage.

"What the hell?" I eyed it with annoyance as it continued to crawl closer towards us. I could feel a small chuckle rising in me and then I smirked as an idea ran through my head. "Hey Naruto, it looks like you got a bug on your shoulder."

Naruto immediately looked over to his shoulders in confusion and his expression became completely puzzled when he didn't see anything on him.

"A bug? What are you talking about? There's nothing there," he stared at me as if I were crazy and the smile on my face grew wider.

"Don't worry I'll get it for you," right then and there I stretched out my arm and released an Air Palm directly at the box so that it flew right off, revealing three small kids.

They all looked up at me and Naruto and their eyes grew wide in shock, "Aw crap! How did you see us hiding here? Oh well, gotta introduce ourselves now." They all stood up promptly and rushed into some pre-rehearsed group pose that you would see on a cheesy theater poster.

"I'm Moegi! The sassiest kunoichi in preschool," the little girl with giant, fluffy ponytails made a peace sign across her face.

"I'm Udon! The nerdiest kid who loves algebra," a snot-nosed kid with thickly rimmed glasses stood before me.

"And I'm Konohamaru! The leader of this ninja crew!" He stood in a muscle-flexing pose...well if he had muscles that is.

In a unified voice, they yelled out, "Together! We are! The Konohamaru Ninja Squad!" I stood there in amazement and I was holding my breath trying not to burst out laughing.

"You're better than the boss. You spotted us before he even did!" he said almost as if shocked that someone could be better than Naruto.

"Oh, you can thank my 360 vision," I said, knowing that they wouldn't understand what I meant.

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