İntikam// his own revenge

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And we have arrived at one of my favorite chapters!

Why is it my favorite?

Dunno. It's like the Yeniden Baslamak chapter; where a bunch of stuff happens in one. I remember when this one got too long so I chopped it up.

And by the way, Intikam does not literally mean his own revenge it just means 'revenge' alright I just didn't feel like confusing anyone. Sometimes you'll see a one word chapter and the translation for it is like, super specific, just know that it's not always exactly what you'd think.

And again, clarification, I know I asked this but I really just want to make sure: would a sequel be cool with you? Not saying if I'll write it or not but I'm just asking.

And guys it's Eid! Soo Eid Mubarak by the way!


{his own revenge}

Nesrin gaped at her and snatched the box from her. "The five thousand lira is in here?" she asked her, but still stared at it.

Riya nodded. "I counted! I can take it there and we can save Nazım."

"He raised it," she muttered to herself. "He did it, he did it..." Nesrin let out a sigh of relief as she crushed Riya in a hug before letting her go. There was a relieving sense of finality in just holding the box; but she felt anxious. She couldn't risk the chance by disobeying her aunt and leaving the house... "Get there fast," Nesrin said as Riya put her shoes on, already reading the girl's mind.

"I will try my best," she said before leaving and slamming the door behind her. A cold gust of air blew in through the door slam.

"Nessy do you have my toys?" Murat asked from behind her.

"There are no toys in here, trust me," Nesrin answered. She was slightly worried, and had no interest in having to continue speaking when her mind couldn't function. Especially when the conversation was about toys.

"Where are my toys?"

"I don't know," Nesrin said through clenched teeth. She walked on and stopped at the door. She pursed her lips after remembering Teyze's orders that she couldn't go with them. Each time, remembering those words got her annoyed. At least Riya was there to do something, but considering the forces Berkant had, she was worried about her. Nesrin knew she was pretty tough, but not that tough that she'd be able to take on grown men on her own. Hopefully, she was clever.

"Can we go look for them?" Murat continued.

"No!" she shouted loud enough for Deniz to step back, and it made her feel suddenly guilty. She then saw Murat's slowly reddening face as tears started to spill from his eyes.

"Agh," she frowned. Nesrin kneeled and wrapped her arms around her little brother's body. "I'm so sorry, Murat. I just snapped. Can you ever forgive me?"

She brought herself back from the hug to look at him and he gave her a nod while wiping a tear from his eye. "Come 'ere, I'll pour some juice for you," she walked with him to the kitchen where she took some glass bottles holding different powders and mixed them into a glass of water.

"What happened?" Deniz asked.

"Considering everything that's happened, that's a really general question," Nesrin said.

"With that kidnapper," Deniz said. "Why'd he kidnap you? Does this have anything to do with Nazım, or why you guys are even here? I thought you didn't like my mother."

"First of all, I love your mother, and Nazım's just scared of her. He just won't admit it. Anyway, I owe money that I can't get to him because your mother said I have to stay home for my own safety." Nesrin groaned mentally and sat at the chair by Murat. "Riya's bringing it there but I don't think she can get past any of his forces."

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