Chapter 1

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"Russ?! We're gonna be late for our flight! Hurry up sweetie!"

They are going on a family trip. She's done packing her things. But she's still lying in bed. She does'nt want to go to this holiday trip.

"Russelle! What are you doing up there!? Come on down here so we can leave!"

She groaned. She felt too lazy.

"Im almost done, dad! Just checking my things to make sure Im not forgetting something!"

"Well you better make it fast or we're gonna miss the plane!"

She had no choice but to get up from bed. She picked up her backpack and went to the door.

"What the hell took you so long!?"

"Sorry dad. As i said Im only checking all my stuff before leaving."

"Yeah whatever! Just get in the car so we can leave!"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance.
She stepped inside the car to the driver's seat. When her father is inside the car, she asked..

"What's with the rush dad?!"

"As I said I don't want to miss our flight!"

He started the engine and drove off to the airport.

"Where are we going anyway? You haven't told me anything about this trip!"

"Will be seeing your mom."

"We're going to the Philippines?!"

"It is time for you to meet your mother."

She did not expect this.

"I thought you don't want to see her again?"

"This is for your own good that's why Im doing this."

"Dad?! Im happy with just us together. I don't need her in my life! When she chose to left us, she is no longer my mother!"

"I know you hate your mom. But believe me, this is what's best for you, Russ. This is one of those times that you need to make a hard decision in life. And I don't want to leave you at somebody else's care."

"What?! You're going to leave me there?!"

"Russelle sweetheart, I know this will be difficult for you but this is all I know for you to be safe!"

She sensed something bad on what she heard.

"To be safe!? What are you talking about dad!? Is there something that you're not telling me?!"

It seems that he has no other choice but to tell her the truth. And the fact that they won't be together for the rest of the holidays.
He just need to find the right words to say so his daughter would not argue with him.

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