Chapter 13

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He have no idea how he ended up in Russelle's front yard. As far as he know, he is driving to nowhere. And that nowhere leads him to her. Damn it!

Before someone could notice him, he decided to leave.

"John? Is that you?!"

Oh no! That voice of a woman. He knew that.

He turned around to face her.

"Yes Auntie."

"Oh it is really you! Glad to see you back! Come on inside!"

Bad move. Now he's stuck again with this woman.

"My daughter is already upstairs sleeping. What brought you here, if you don't mind me asking."

"Nothing really. I was just driving around town and-"

"Oh my poor John! Why you didn't tell me that you have nowhere to stay with? I've told you a while ago before you left that you can stay here in my house, didn't I?"

He don't know what to answer. This woman have mistaken him to be homeless. For god's sake! Does he look like poor to her? Oh come on!

"John? Is there any problem, my dear?"

"Huh? No- no auntie. Everything is fine. I was just thinking of something. Probably just tired for the whole day and -"

"Oh that's perfect! Then stay here for the night and I'll show you to your room now. Come my dear?"

This is really unexpected. So unbelievable. Could you imagine that? A while ago he was just thinking of how he can spend his night aside from his plans on how he is going to get rid of Sanders' daughter. Now what? He is back at the enemy's lair. Very good timing, isn't it? Seems like the gods are favoring him this time. How fascinating.


He looked at Rosella. He could see the confusion written all over her face. Did he do something wrong?

"Yes auntie, what is it?"

"I was just about to tell you that this will be your room. But it seems that something is bothering you on your mind and you seemed not to be paying attention to me. Are you really alright?"

He gulped. Uh-oh! Is he really that pre-occupied a while ago with his thoughts?

"My apologies auntie. Probably this is what they call jetlag."

He smiled awkwardly. What the hell is going on with him? He's being stupid.

Rosella smiled back and gestured him to get inside the guest room.

"You must be really exhausted my dear. Now you have some rest and I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

"Thank you so much for this auntie. This is really way too much. I apologize for being such a bother to you."

Rosella laughed.

"Oh dear, you don't have to be sorry. Besides I owe you for helping me fix my car. Now get some sleep and make yourself feel at home."

This woman is so kind. It would be very difficult to betray her. Damn it! Why the hell should she be so kind like this?

"I'll be going now John. Goodnight my dear."

"Goodnight auntie."

And with that, Rosella left him in the guest room.

He sighed. Now what?

He looked around the room. The atmosphere is so inviting. For someone like him who haven't been sleeping since he arrived? He should really give himself some well deserved sleep tonight.

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