Chapter 11

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He looked at his phone. Six missed calls. He is still on the way driving to his apartment. It's not that far from where he'd been.

Besides, there is a reason why.

His phone rang and he answered it immidiately.

"Where have you been, Michaels!? I've been calling you for the seventh time now! What the hell have you been doing!?"

"I've been doing my job. What else do you expect me to be doing?!"

The man on the other line laughed. His name is Mr. Cutter. The drug mule syndicate that Sgt. Sanders sent to prison. The man escaped from the penitentiary and now he is upto taking revenge. It may not be on Sanders personally but through her only daughter.

They say, if you can't get to the man who owe you, then get through him by hurting his loved ones.

John Michaels. His accomplice. Will be the one to do the job for Mr. Cutter. In exchange for his debths to be paid. The job is to kill the daughter of Sgt. Sanders. Not only that. The killing will be done after the torture. Mr. Cutter wants to document the torture and send the video to Sgt. Sanders.

The revenge will cost the life of Sanders' daughter. And if the mother interfere, she will also be executed. And John Michaels is the person who is entitled to do the murderous act. Very inhuman. But he is doing it so his debths will all be paid by Mr. Cutter. Not only that. He will also receive another hundred million dollar once Sanders' daughter is dead.

Why John Michaels?

This guy is a former member of an assasin's organization in russia called raz al ghul. That is the name of their leader. And they are well known for being brutal and no mercy.

How did John have those debths that is worth hundred million dollar?

He is one of those guys who party every night. Who plays in the casino. Who owes too much money that is almost impossible to pay. His acts cost him his membership of the Assasin's organization. Good thing for him he is not killed by their leader who is known to have no mercy.
The reason behind that? He and raz al ghul's daughter were into a romantic relationship. The daughter begged to her father not to execute him. So he was just exiled from the organization.

Being an assasin has been an asset for him. Those people whom he owed money at the casino, some of them who chased after him were killed. Of course Michaels did it. Who else would do the job for him except himself?

But some of them went to this guy named Mr. Cutter. He served to be a shield and backup for those people who are chasing for John Michaels to get their money back. It so happens now that Mr. Cutter was the one who is after him. And knowing Michaels? His attributes as a former assasin became interesting for Mr. Cutter's point of view. He is not seeing John as a threat or an enemy to take down but as a weapon that he could wield for his own personal issues.

That all started when Sgt. Sanders tracked down Mr. Cutter and ended his freedom by sending him to the penitentiary. And now he is taking his revenge. With the help of John Michaels, Mr. Cutter is on the verge of succeeding on his evil plans.

With Sanders' without knowing that her daughter's life is in great danger.

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