Chapter 15

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Morning came.

Its two days now and he still failed to establish a plan. Last night was dreadful. Going to get some water had turned out to be a bad idea of him. He was hit and his precious prime was in so much pain last night. And that is all because of one person. That evil witch named Russelle Guine.

He swore he's going to avenge his precious balls. And of course he also reminded himself that she is not an easy girl. So he better be more careful when going near that witch.

Yes. She is an evil witch now to him. And not some hot and attractive girl. That he used to fantasize with?

No. He haven't been fantasizing her. That ain't gonna happen.

His thoughts were cut off by someone knocking at his room door.

"John?! Are you awake my dear?"

He went to open it.

"Yes auntie?"

"Come on down and join us to have breakfast."

He smiled. The thought of food is making him hungry. But the fact that he will be seeing the evil witch, he might want to decline the offer.

"Is there something wrong, John?"

Uh-oh! He must have lingered again. This old woman is really sensitive. Unlike her daughter. That evil witch who hit his precious prime.

"Nothing auntie. I was just thinking if maybe I could have a bath first before joining you to have breakfast? I had a rough night."

Rosella smiled.

"Oh yes my dear. Just make it fast okay? My daughter is already downstairs and I told her not to have breakfast yet unless you joined us in the table."

That is music to his ears. The evil witch wont have breakfast without his presence? Isn't it great?

He smiled sweetly to Rosella.

"Yes auntie. I wont stay too long."

"Alright then. I'll see you downstairs."

And the old woman left.
He felt victorious. Can you imagine not having breakfast because of someone?

He laughed at his thoughts. Now that evil witch will know whom she's messing with.

And to make the most of his precious time, he grant himself a well deserved shower. A warm long bath.

Afterall, the intention is to make the evil witch wait for him so that she can have her meal this morning.

Aside from the fact that he has no other clothes to wear, that seemed not to be pleasing at all. That would mean he is going to wear his clothes for two days now. How unsanitary.

Finally. He is now at the dining room. And there he saw the old woman patiently waiting for him to join her on the table. But where is the evil witch?

"She is at the kitchen room."

Rosella said. The old woman probably noticed his eyes were looking for someone.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, auntie."

"Its okay. What matters is your here now."

He smiled. The woman is really kind hearted. Unlike her evil witch daughter.

And speaking of the devil. He saw her coming out from the kitchen room with a tray on her hand.

"Is she the one who's cooking?"

Rosella nodded. Oh no.
He gulped. That didn't sound good to him.

"Good morning, Mr. Michaels."

Russelle said as she approached the table. She laid down the tray of food that she is carrying. There is chicken and veggies and sunny side up and hotdogs and there's also a pot of hot choco?

She caught him looking at the tray.

"Don't worry Mr. Michaels, I have no intention of poisoning you or my mother."

She smiled to him.

Is that a smile? He almost couldn't believe what he saw. The evil witch just smiled to him?
How unusual.

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