Chapter 4

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While she's waiting to get on board to the plane, she felt hungry. She remember they did not eat their breakfast before they left the house. She looked around. Her eyes landed on a guy sitting right across her seat.

"Looking for someone!?"

She did not know the guy. He's some sort of a co-passenger. Brown messy hair. Sun-kissed skin. Brown eyes. Athletic body.

He smirked.

"Love the view?!".

She then realized that she has been staring at him. She felt embarrased. But of course she pretended not.

"Im looking for something, not someone".

She stood up and walk towards him.

"Im looking there!"

She pointed to the shawarma food stall right across her direction. He turned around to see for himself what she's pointing.

"Tss.. if I know, you're just too shy to admit that you were staring at me a while ago".

"You're an egoistic jerk!"

He laughed at what she said.

"And what's so funny!?"

"You're guilty!"

He said in the middle of his laughs. He seemed to be enjoying teasing her. But not her.
She landed a punch onto his face. And that made him stopped from laughing.


And she went to the shawarma store. He was left astonished. He was just looking at her walking away from his direction.
He then touched his face where the punch landed.
It didn't hurt. Only that he was caught off guard on what she did. He wasn't expecting that move from a hottie.

Yes she is. He finds her hot. She did not know, he had been the one staring at her before she did. The type of girl he likes. Average height. Fair skin. Long hair. Thin lips. No makeup. Not fat, not even lean. Just right for him.

"Im sorry".

He looked up to see her face again. She is handing him a shawarma. He looked at her with confusion.

"Are you not going to accept it?!"

"Why should I!?"

Her eyebrows met on what he said.

"How can I be sure you're not going to poison me?!"

"What!? You really think Im that bad?!"

"You just punched me,remember!?"

She rolled her eyes at what he said. She then took a bite on the shawarma she bought for him.


He smiled. He then reached out to get the food. But not the one she took a bite from. The other one she's holding.


He then took a big bite on the food so she will have no way of getting it back.

"You're unbelievable!"

He just winked at her and continued eating.

"Such a jerk!"

She is pissed off. But of course she calmed herself down. She went back to her seat and eat the food silently.
She is avoiding to look at him. She is too pissed off. If she will not hold it, she might be kicking up his ass.

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