Chapter 7

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1hr later.

She is now really frustrated. She is tired and hungry and getting impatient now.
It has been an hour and yet there is still no sign of her mother.
And then her phone rang.
It's from an unknown number.


She remained silent. The voice is from a woman. She suddenly thought it could be her mother.

"Who are you?!"

"Are you Russelle Guine Sanders?"

It is really her mother. Who else could be calling her? Nobody else knew her number aside from her father. He must have gave it.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Rosella de Nava. Are you Russelle Guine Sanders?"

"Hold on a sec"

She then place the call on hold and dialed her father's number. She can't take a risk. It's better to be safe than sorry.

She is just a baby then when her mother left her to her father. And her father did not tell her anything about her mother's identity. She did not even bother to know about those details back then. Aside from the fact that she is not interested to know, she also hates her for leaving her and her father.

"Where you the one who gave my phone number to a certain Rosella de Nava, dad?!"

"Oh I'm so sorry sweetie. I forgot to tell you about your mother's name. I was carried away. But yes it is her. And you are right, I was the one who gave your phone number to your mother so that she can contact you."

"Right. Thanks dad. She's on the other line. I just called to confirm it."

"Okay sweetie. Bye bye."

She then retrieved the call from the other line.

"Hey, are you still there?!"

"Yes. I'm- Im still here."

"Where are you? You're suppose to pick me up here at the airport thirty minutes ago. I've been waiting here for more than an hour now. Are you still coming to get me or what?!"

"I'm so sorry. My car overheated. I can no longer make it there. That's why I called you to-"

"What?! You can't make it here?! After you made me wait that's all you're going to tell me?! What the hell?!"

"I'm sorry"

She heard her cry.

"You're unbelievable! Stop crying okay!?"

The sobs went louder.
She groaned in annoyance. She can't believe this is happening to her right now. She is stuck in the airport waiting for nothing. And now she made her mother cried.
She cursed in frustration.
She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Don't cry okay? I'm sorry for being rude. It's just that you have no idea how tired I am right now and I am also very hungry. I really wanted to get home as soon as possible."

"I understand. I'm really sorry to upset you. I don't-"

"Stop okay? I know. I get it. And its not your fault. Just tell me how can I get to your place."

Her mother gave her the address and she even reminded her not to get deceived by cab drivers. She told her the exact amount that she's going to pay for the cab. And that she should pretend that she knew the place she is going to.

She just nodded on everything that she had told her. She does not want to argue anymore or else she will hurt her feelings again. And she doesn't want her father to be disappointed to her if ever he found out that she made her cry.

So she followed what she said and she's now on her way to her mother's place. They have decided to meet up there after what happened to her mother's plan to pick her up at the airport. Besides, she doesn't want to wait any longer. All she wants now is to get home,to feed her hungry stomach and to have some rest.

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