Demon or Angel

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Y/N darted through the thick bushes, and slides under a overturned tree. He managed to get to Silica, only to see her dragon Pina, sacrifice himself to save her.

 He managed to get to Silica, only to see her dragon Pina, sacrifice himself to save her

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"Pina no!".

Y/N watches in horror as the apes circle her, and prepare to kill her right then and there

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Y/N watches in horror as the apes circle her, and prepare to kill her right then and there. One raised his club, and held it high in the air.

It's like if time stopped, everything slowed down to a crawl.

Silica looked up in horror, her life flashes before her eyes

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Silica looked up in horror, her life flashes before her eyes. She screams in fear, hoping the Apes would have some mercy.


What's happening, what's going on with my head!?

Y/N saw something else, instead of Silica, it was Ella, a younger version of her, cowering in fear and crying at the sight of scary dogs. Ella looked straight in Y/N's eyes, pleaded with him, to help her.

Time resumed, and the club swung down, however... It didn't hit Silica, rather, another target.

"Nobody hurts my sister....".

Silica watched as Y/N, a winged guardian angel, his wings blocked the hit, but at the cost of him getting hurt.


"Get to safety, now!".

The ape swung again, hitting much harder than before. Silica makes a break for it, leaving Y/N to fend for himself. He turns around, and forms a sword made of pure Aether magic, a construct. With one slice, he slashes the ape into two.

What's wrong with me, where did this rage come from, and why do I have angel wings!?

Silica watches in awe as Y/N tears through the Apes, slashing, decapitation, even using his wings as blades to fight. Pixels rained all over the area, and few Apes remained, anger and hatred overcame him, and made him merciless.

"Where you going, I'm not done with you yet!".

How dare you think you deserve mercy, you tried to kill my sister, and you killed her pet. I don't like you or kind, bad people, hurting innocent people!

Y/N stabs his blade into the Ape's stomach, and began to slowly carve into it, making the Pentagram and Cross.

What are you waiting for scream, yell, cry, beg for mercy!

That's right, you don't give mercy, why should I towards you!

Silica watches in horror as Y/N continues to horrifically torture the Apes to death. He kills one by slowly impalement, and the other by cutting off it's limbs.

The last one, Y/N pinned it to the ground, and stabbed his blades deep into the chest. He screamed and barked at the ape, telling it to beg for help.

Silica couldn't stand it no more, and yelled at Y/N.

"Please stop, they learned their lesson!".


I snap from state, and I realize what I've done. The anger, the rage, it took over me. When I saw Silica, I thought Ella, and pictured her being attacked by these monsters.

Oh god, I'm sick in the damn head!

Y/N pulls away, and tried to compose himself. He attempts to return to Silica, but she backed away in fear.

"I...I'm a monster...".

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, I don't know what came over me".

She's too scared to even get near me, what have I done, I scared away the person that could help me cope, the person that would give me comfort.

"Silica... I'm sorry".

Y/N couldn't take it anymore, and quickly used his wings to fly away from the area, and get close Haven as possible.

As he drew close to the city, he receives a message from Kirito.

"Hey man, Silica told me what you did..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know what made me do it!"

"Calm down, come back home, I have Asune with me, and we can take Silica with us".

"No, I can't leave yet, I have to make things right".

"What are you doing!?".

"People need help, and I won't let them down, it's promise I won't break".

"We're at your place, just please come home when you your done, your my best friend, and I don't wanna lose my best friend".

"You have Asune, and Silica, and everyone else Kirito, everybody likes you, they care if something happens to you. Nobody cares about what happens to me, I'm second best to you, your sidekick".

"Y/N, it's not like that, please come home!".

"I'm busy, I have to do what's right".

"Y/N, what are you doing!?".

"Y/N, answer me dammit!".

Y/N made it to Haven, it was still dark out, he walked through the city entrance, guarded by sorcerers and mages.

He then sees several carts in front of a building, the boxes were either broken, or burned. A man stood outside, he was armored head to toe with steel.

"You, where's Dark Griffin!".

Unknown Player
"Why should I tell you!?".

Y/N breaks his arm, and grabs him and held a Nether blade against his throat.

"Tell me, or I'll kill you!".

Unknown player
"Inside that building!".

Y/N drops the man, and walks to the door, and kicks the door down from it's hinges.

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