Night of the Living Dead - Deadmen Arc

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Y/N was sleeping soundly in bed, until he hears the sound of an alarm going off, he shots up from bed and looks around.

"What the hell!?".

Players rushed from their beds, and grabbing the weapons, Sinon bursts into his room, still groggy and in her nightgown. She yells at him to get ready, there's an infection in large town nearby.

He gets, gets dressed and gears up for the mission. Lisbeth enters in her blacksmith attire, and clutching her mace.


"I'm on it!".

He ignores Lisbeth, and follows Sinon outside, it was still dark... A large town set ablaze in the distance. Everyone around Y/N got into vehicles, and drove towards the town.

The town, it reminded me of Arcadia and the little village, both places were damaged, all because of me.

Doesn't matter now, I must save whatever I can from the dead.

Sinon pulls up on her bike, and yells for Y/N to get one, he did what she said. They drove towards the town... Leaving Lisbeth back at base.

"Really.... *Sigh* ".

We drove towards the town, i could already hear the screams and gunshots, and the sound of moans and groans were beginning to deafen the area. As we grew the near the town, I could see the dead, tearing players apart.

 As we grew the near the town, I could see the dead, tearing players apart

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They poured out of the walls, and turned towards our direction. They're like rabid mongrels, unable to satisfied with their hunger...

Wait... That armor.... Those weapons... That had to be Avalon, Pantheon or Valkyrie!

The horde was small, a hundred at least. The players that tagged along with Y/N began firing at them, but I wasn't enough. They then realized something horrible, they were players who turned.... They're trapped inside horrific monstrous shells of themselves.

Gregory Toms - Assault Specialist
"What are waiting for, kill them!".

"They're still human in their, we'll be committing mass murder!".

Gregory Toms
"They can't be saved, it's us or them.... Remember we're making sure those things never get to Avalon!".

"He's right, we have to kill them...".

"Ivan's right... What if they can be saved, should we at least try to help them!?".

"No... There's no cure... We have to put them down, it's too late for them".

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