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The trio takes off from Kunlun, and prepare to jump game. Lisbeth was nervous, she never fought with other players from other games, However for Y/N, he knew how War and Valor works after spending time with Greene and her men.

Due to the each game continuely forever generating land, there are portals layed all over the lands that lead to the other games, the trio are heading to one right now.

"We'll be there by nightfall, and soon rest up at base, from there we'll begin helping survivors".

"Since we're going to be traveling together for awhile, might as well swap stories..".

"It's only fitting... I don't think your girlfriend likes it though".

"She's not my girlfriend... And Lisbeth stop giving her evil eye!".

"I still think it's a bad idea going with her, I'm only going with you because I want to make sure you get out in one piece".

"I'm with a expert sniper.... Of course I'm going to be fine".

"..... Still....".

"Your not my mom first of all".

"I'm like this because you get yourself into trouble, and I always watch you get hurt! I'm just scared of losing the only person I consider a best friend!".


"Okay.... Maybe we should just keep quiet until we get to the base...".

Lisbeth kept bickering towards Y/N about his decision to stay, saying that he should've stayed home rather than go with Sinon. Sinon herself was getting irritated and frustrated with Lisbeth, but didn't say anything since she didn't want make Y/N mad for talking back to closest friend he has left.

After a long awkward trek, the trio finally reached towards the portal, guarded by several players in power armor. They see Sinon, and step out of the way for her and her team to pass through.

They reached the base, where they could rest up for the night. Y/N was in his room holding his own new gun.... he didn't know how to use it,  swords and magic are the main things he really knows and prefers.  A friend of Sinon passed by, and sees Y/N attempting to fire the gun.

Ivan - Heavy Weapons Player
"It's a pistol... A freaking colt pistol... What's so hard about it!?".

"Hey, I don't know guns!".

"Of course you don't, you play your damn dungeons and dragons game!".

"Look who's talking, you play your damn Battlefield/ Call of Duty/ Medal of Honor/ Arma/ War and Generals game!".

"Oh yeah Skyrim and World of Warcraft!?".

"Yeah Wolfenstein!".

"Really League of legends, you wanna go there!?".

"Hell yes Company of Hero's!!!!".

"Fable and Hearthstone!".

"Ace Combat Hero's and War Thunder!".

They continue to argue while Sinon was was talking to Lisbeth about what happened earlier.

"What do you want!?".

"What's with you, you've been acting hostile to me and him for the entire trek, why do you hate me!?".

"Your going to put Y/N in danger, I don't want him to get hurt!".

"No... It goes deeper than that... I think you actually like him".

"Like him... You must be crazy to think I'll like someone so crazy, suicidal, broken, shell of his former self!? He's so stubborn and insane, he'll get himself into trouble no matter what!".

"You don't mean that do you?".

"Of course I do, because I don't like him, I can do better than that shell of a person, better than that crybaby!".

"Turn around".

Lisbeth turns around to see Y/N standing by the doorway with Ivan, He backed away, and walked to his room, and slammed the door.

Sinon nodded with anger at Lisbeth's remarks.

"Next time don't yell you heartless monster, you just hurted the person you tried to protect".

"Y/N wait!".

She runs out the room, and began knocking on Y/N's door. He didn't answer, he was to distraught to even say a word.

"Please answer me!".

"Just go to bed, give him time to cool off, after what you said...  He's going to need a real long time!".

Lisbeth walks back to her room, she felt guilty and sorry for what she said, she didn't want to admit her true feelings, and it costed her friendship with her own crush. Sinon felt sorry Y/N, having to put up with a bitchy friend.

Sinon decided to go check on Y/N, when she did, she saw him still awake.


"Hey, what do you want?".

"I wanted to go check on you, I'm really sorry for what Lisbeth said, I don't know it feels to go through all that stuff... And have your friend say bad things about you for it".

"It's fine, she's right anyway, who would want someone like me. I lost once... And now I lost twice".

"Hey... If you want... We can go hangout sometime, without Lisbeth of course. I think your good guy, just damaged is all".

"Not to mention, I don't mind you having a couple cracks... ♥".

"Thanks.. I ... Guess, we should get ready for tomorrow".

"Night Y/N".

"Wait... Tell Ivan to shove his Counter Strike game up his ass for me...".

Sinon laughs and hugs Y/N, she walks towards Ivan's room, and delivers the message, and returned to her room to rest. Y/N himself closed his door, and soon followed suit.

Lisbeth herself eavesdropped on their conversation, and began to grit her teeth, and actually tear up, she doesn't want to lose Y/N, she loves him.

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