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     She giggled, as crowds of people from the party swarmed around her. The fragrance of her swam my direction, calling my name. Begging for me, yearning me to come back into her life again. And again. And again.

     She held a glass, its ivory liquid quivering, as she clinked it amongst other glasses, of the same liquids, held by her friends, all cheering simultaneously. I almost walked over, but I didn't, for I wasn't about to let her lure me into her life again. To charm me, to make me fall in love with her again, only for her to destroy me again and again. It was damage enough that she ruined my good reputation. I didn't need her to do it all over again.

     Kirstie glanced at me, her genuine smile fading into a sly grin. She walked over to me; by that time I knew she won.

     With just one, "Hey Avi," my life was turned upside down again, but I was used to it. I mean, it wasn't the first time she dragged me into her life, only to throw me out the next day. Yet, it still burned just as much as before. Just as much as last week, or the week before, all the way to two months before. All the way up to that year we were dating. Approximately, two years ago, I believe.

     Yes, she may have won this time, but next time (the fact that I knew their would even be another time determines how well I knew her) she wouldn't stand a chance against me. For next time, there was no way that she'd be coming home with me that night.

Hey! I hope you liked the prologue! I don't know how fast I will be updating this story since right now Our Light In The Hallway will be my priority but perhaps once every week or two weeks or so because I just came up with this idea yesterday! I hope you have a great day or night and goodbyeeeeee!

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