Chapter Five: I Need Your Love

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Thousands of people all gathered impatiently outside tonight. I sneaked glances at them, most appeared to be paparazzi, journalists, tv reporters, galore. Great. Just great.

I sighed, going back from behind the stage into our little dressing rooms. I bowed my head down, gazing at my sneakers, as I walked. In turn, bumping into someone. Someone who I was trying to avoid, someone who was trying to get my attention constantly. Rock and roll.

     "Sorry," I mumbled. I really should listen to Esther about not looking down and walking.

Kirstie moved back, her face tilting slightly. Her face was still bare, wasn't she supposed to be done with her make-up already? Her glasses hung on the tip of her nose, as her manicured fingers pushed them up, as she opened her mouth.

     "Avi, please," her little voice shook, as she shivered in her long blue t-shirt and short shorts.

     "Kirstie, I don't have time for this," I rumbled, ambling away from her. She followed me, stumbling after, as I continued to move away.

"At least, let me explain," Kirstie cried, as I swiveled my head.

"Explain what? I don't have time for your lies," I snapped, as she stood there in tears.

"You really don't love me anymore," she teared up.

What kind of stupid observation was that? I mean, who could love someone after all this?

"But I do. I still love you after everything I did. I know everything I've done to you was wrong. Please give me another chance. Avi, I need your love," Kirstie bit her lip, coming towards me.

     "Another chance?! Haha, do you know how many chances I've given you?! Dang right, you need my love. But this time, I don't need yours. I'm over you, Kirstie. Deal with it," I shot back.

     She stood there, shocked and in tears; thankfully Nicole came to take her away.

     I shook my head. When was she going to learn?

I sighed once I walked past the dressing room door. Kirstie was inside, most likely getting ready for the concert tonight. She left me hanging, she never told me what we were. What our relationship was. She was currently ignoring me, avoiding the fact that we were together for the last few weeks. What was she hiding from?

All I needed right now was her love. A few words and then I'll know that she cares. That she isn't just messing with me. That she truly does love me.

I knocked on the door softly. She opened the door, her eyes widened.

"Avi," she gasped, as I embraced her.

I ran my fingers through her hair, hugging her tightly against me.

"I missed you," I breathed against the top of her head, giving it a kiss.

"Shh, what if someone sees?" Kirstie shrugged out of my arms, closing the door behind her.

"So what if they see? I love you, Kirstie. I need your love," I exclaimed, as she paced around the room, her hands on her head.

"What's wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Kirstie bowed her head down, stopping abruptly.

"Kirst, I can tell when you're lying. What's up with you? You've been avoiding me ever since we-" Kirstie cut me off, coming towards me and kissing me right then and there.

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