Chapter Eight: Where Are Ü Now? Part 2

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     "So just a movie night? The both of us?" Kirstie had asked earlier on the phone.

     "Yup. That's alright, isn't it?"

     "Of course. I'll be there then."

     Currently, we were sitting beside each other, Kirstie's head curled up against my chest, in a friend way of course, as we watched the end of Tangled.

"You were my new dream," Flynn Rider exclaimed from the TV screen, in Rapunzel's arms.

"And you were mine," Rapunzel admitted sadly, tears echoing in my ear.

Dang, the speakers are great, it feels like they're crying right next to me...oh.

I gazed over to my side to see a sniffling Kirstie wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

     "Are you crying?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows, chuckling a bit.

     "What? Flynn's about to die in her arms, of course I'm crying. They're in love, yet they couldn't admit it until now. Now that Flynn's dying," Kirstie cried softly, as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, as she buried her head into my shirt.

"How 'bout we skip to the very end? You know the part where they're all happy-go-lucky and dance around their village," I suggested, as Kirstie slapped my chest playfully.

"Wow," she laughed for the first time in forever, her beautiful giggle ringing in my ear.

We stayed like that, as the movie ended, everything alright in the end. Which reminded me of why I invited Kirstie here. I wanted her to be okay in the end.

"Kirstie?" I inquired, as she hummed, acknowledging my question.

"These past few months, Kirstie, something definitely happened to you. I don't know what that is, but I know something's wrong. Kirstie, please tell me," I pleaded, as Kirstie's face fell.

With that, she moved away from me, snapping, "So that's why you invited me here! You don't care about me at all! You just want to know, just want to be pleased when I tell you of all the pain I experienced these months! Well, I'm not going to give you that satisfaction."

"What the heck? What do you mean I don't care? If I didn't care about you, why on Earth would I want to hang out with you?" I stated in disbelief, as Kirstie got up, stumbling, as she limped to the door.

"I had enough! Matt, the paparazzi's, the band, Esther, you! I'm sick of this! Just leave me the heck alone!" Kirstie shrieked, as she struggled to turn the door knob.

"If you wanted to be alone, then why the heck would you do this to us? Why would you exploit our life to the world? Huh, Kirstie?" I growled back, as she finally opened the door, halting suddenly.

"Do you want to know? You really want to know?" Kirstie questioned quietly, her eyes huge.

"You know what? I don't care," I spilt, instantly regretting my words and my actions.

I shut the door, as we both stood on either side of it, not saying a word. Eventually, she turned her heel, leaving, as I could see from the small window on my door.

I sighed, punching the wall. What did I just do?

Kirstie's POV:

"Do you want to know? You really want to know?" I stifled a cry, as I gazed into his eyes.

Once I looked at him, I immediately knew the answer. He didn't love me anymore. If I told him, he'd only hate me even more.

"You know what? I don't care," he spat, his words like sharp daggers to my aching heart.

Yet, I knew I had to tell him. As the words finally came out of my soul, he slammed the door shut, I standing outside, speaking like an idiot.

"I'm pregnant," I sobbed to no one in particular, gradually leaving his house for the better.

I was all alone in this cruel world, all alone with a child growing inside of me, his father not even knowing, not caring at all. Everything was my fault.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but the next chapter is the epilogue. And then boom a sequel. And the sequel will be much happier, I promise. I hope you liked this chapter and have a great day or night wherever you are! Goodbye!

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