Chapter One: Avi

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     She stood there again. Swaying slowly and seductively to the beat of the song. Flipping her now silver locks, she smirked subtly, her drink in her soft hand. She glanced at me suddenly, watching me gaze at her from afar, blowing a kiss my way. She giggled airily, viewing my horrified reaction, waiting me to beg for her again. Waiting for me to cry out how much I missed her, how I desired her again, how I was ready to forgive her and let her play with me. However, this time, I wasn't about to let her win. This time, she's going to be the one played with. Not me. Not again.

     I, still sitting at the bar, gulped down the glass of whiskey in my fist, the bubbling liquid sizzling down my dry throat. Here I was, again. At one of Scott and Mitch's stupid parties, drinking away my life, so that I could once again forget the girl now dancing away with the crowd. How I yearned for her, lust oozing out of my soul. But I knew what she would do to me, I knew that Kirstin Taylor Maldonado wasn't your average girl. She was an attention-seeker, a girl all in it for the fame and money, not for the simple pleasantries that I had to bring if she were mine again.

     Something nudged my shoulder, tapping it lightly. I swiveled my head around only to find the one I was trying to avoid, the one who destroyed me continuously, leaving me senseless and emotionless in this world. Kirstin. She stole my love, shattered my sensations, stomping all over my passion. And now she was here, overindulging alcohol and laughing at me while being clearly tipsy.

     "Hey Avi," she began the usual statement, the sentence that used to immediately swoon me back to her side. The way my name rolled off her tongue, so enticingly pleasing. I shook away my thoughts. She was not going to win. She was not coming home with me tonight.

     I got up instantly, sliding off the stool, beginning to walk out right then and there. But of course her hand clutched my wrist, starting her useless sobs. For this time, no matter how hard it could be, I was not going to fall for her sharp lies, her words that could stab me and leave me broken as the world cackles at my sorrow.

     "Avi, what's wrong?" Did she seriously just ask me 'what's wrong'? Did she seriously just say that? Oh, it's nothing, Kirstie. I'm just ignoring you because I know you'll break my heart again. Everything's fine, you didn't do anything, Kirstie. You didn't repeatedly apologize to me only to do the same thing over and over again. Bringing me to your bed, only to kick me out the next day again. Kirstie, please, you did nothing as usual. Nothing as always. (Please note that this is sarcasm.)

     "Avi, I know we broke up again recently, but can't we just be friends?" Kirstie asked, almost genuinely. Nope. I'm not listening to her again. Never again.

     Kirstie placed her thumb on my cheek, turning my head to face her. She had those wide wondrous eyes again, her little innocent façade trying to knock me over again. Not today, Miss Maldonado. Not today.

     "Says the person who ruined my reputation, unfollowed all my social media accounts, and keeps crawling back to me, just to demolish my aching soul again. Forget it, Kirstin. I'm not going to fall for your tricks again. I know you just want attention, not my freaking heart. So leave me the hell alone," I spat, her eyes growing huge, her eager expression melting into a puddle of shock. She was shocked. I mean, I would be too, now that I finally stood up to her deceiving ways.

     "Is that what you think of me? A playing slut, who's just messing with you?" Kirstie snapped back, fake tears spewing out of her chocolate eyes, lakes of fiery brown which used to bring me under her spell.

     "You said it, not me," I stated, ambling away from her, from everyone who was now staring at us. Yep, because of her, my personal life, our personal lives were exploited in sick tabloids blooming with trashy articles. Which was why people viewed us differently. Neon lights were glistening down on us, sparkling vivid colors onto our blurred faces, as I stomped away, leaving her in the crowd.

     Kirstie stood there, tears flooding her eyes, pools of mascara now flowing out of her eyes. Like I said, she just wants attention. She already stepped on my status, already smashing my soul into shards of broken love. But I couldn't let her win my damaged heart. Not anytime soon, anyways.

     Scott noticed me marching out, his eyebrows quickly raising at the sight. Patting Mitch's arm, he most likely notified Mitch that I was leaving, both of them jumping out of their seats by the bar, totally forgetting their eleventh tequila shots of the night.

     Which caused me to begin running, for I knew that if I ran, they wouldn't catch up with me anytime soon. Especially since Mitch didn't like to run at all. But apparently, Mitch didn't mind running today; Scott and Mitch were chasing after me, panting incredibly.

     "Wait up, Big Bass Daddy," Mitch hollered, surprisingly not drunk yet, as I speeded up my running. I wasn't about to talk to them at all.

Unfortunately, Kevin was in front of me, holding his hands up as if to tell me to stop trying to leave.

"Kevin, what the hell?!" I shouted as Kevin embraced me to keep me from moving. Kevin bit his lip nervously, probably since I just yelled at him, but tonight I really didn't give a crap about anything.

Mitch and Scott caught up with me (gee thanks Kevin), all three of them blocking me.

"Avi, what happened with Kirstie and you?" Scott questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh please, as if you're going to listen to my side of the story. Scott. Mitch. You two are Kirstie's best friends; why on Earth would you listen to me?" I rolled my eyes, frustrated at all of them.

Scott took a step back, clearly hurt by my truthful words. Mitch patted his boyfriend's back, declaring, "Well, maybe this time we want to listen to you."

Kevin smiled weakly at me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Avi," he started. "We all know that Kirstie played with you, that she meddled with your feelings for her, that she's using you for fame. Not that she needs any more fame, but we all know."

I looked at them in awe. They believed me. What happened? Before, everyone wanted to believe Miss Innocent Maldonado, her annoyingly hot side smirk convincing all. Now they were all on my side. This was quite unbelievable.

"So...what I'm hearing is that you're ready to listen to my side of the story and that you might possibly believe me?" I said, still in complete shock.

All three of them nodded, as Miss You Know Who came up behind us, inquiring, "What's going on here?"

"It's nothing, Kirstie. The four of us just decided to go to Starbuck's and ditch this lame party," Scott lied to one of his best friends, resulting in me to unnoticeably pinch myself in disbelief. Apparently, I wasn't dreaming either.

"Ha! Real funny, Scott. The 'lame party' is your party. You're the host, you can't just leave!" Kirstie narrowed her eyes at us, laughing fakely at Scott's statement.

"Watch me, Kirstie. Plus, they won't notice that I'm gone when you're there to stick around and ya know do what ya do best. Entertain the crowd, Kirst," Scott suggested, heading out of the clubhouse.

"Scott!!! Guys, what the hell?!" Kirstie shrieked, as we all dashed into Kevin's car, who stepped on the brakes and drove us out of there. Yeah, you could say we just left her there to grumble alone. Well, not exactly alone, since she had the party guests to tend to. Which should make her happy, since now she could most definitely be the center of attention.

Hello, it's me! I was wondering if you'd notice that I updated this book quickly, since in the prologue I said I didn't know how frequently I would post more chapters. But then I got inspired by the song that inspired this whole fic and boom here I am with Chapter One. So I'll probably just update this at random times, like basically whenever I feel inspired because this girl *points to self* is in bipolar weather when it comes to feeling inspired and the annoying writer's block. But anyways, I hope you like the first chapter and that you will have a great day or night! (Oh and I will most definitely post another chapter to Our Light In The Hallway today.) Gooodddddbbbbyeeeeeee! (Oh and if you can't tell I don't know what the heck people drink so if I wrote something wrong, it's just my lack of knowledge about the whole shots and drinks and everything.) Goodbyeee!

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