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Before Avi is informed of Kirstie being pregnant: (aka two months after last chapter)

These days were a blur. Touring constantly with the group, in a city one day, another the next. Fans and haters, excitement and apprehension all around us; I barely had time to think anymore.

Our group was detached in ways that none of us could fix, Kirstie, Mitch and Scott against Esther and I. Poor Kevin didn't know what was going on, and to be honest, neither did I. All I knew was that Kirstie couldn't stand me, as for me, I didn't really know anymore. I didn't know whether I still loved her or hated her, yearned for her friendship, or needed her love; I didn't know anymore. Nothing was certain anymore, except for the fact that we were everywhere.

Not much really changed though, for Kirstie was still acting strangely, always wearing the most over-sized clothing ever made, hiding things from us constantly, being more secretive than I'd ever expect her to be. Mitch and Scott were at her service, buying her things and giving her things whenever she asked for them. I tried asking Mitch what was wrong with her, but he simply snapped at me, saying that I should have listened when Kirstie wanted to tell me. And I definitely couldn't ask Kirstie. We don't even look each other in the eye, ignore each other's presence as best as we possibly could.

     I sighed, calling Mitch on my phone. The trio left mysteriously in the morning, never providing any reason why. Everyone was still asleep in their bunks, but I had gotten up rather early today, for my gut warned me that something horrible was going to happen today. Whatever it was, I hoped it wasn't anything too serious, hopefully my gut was just wrong.

     My phone ringed, as Mitch finally answered, devastation clear in his voice.

"Avi!" He wept, as Scott's cries could be heard in the background.

Oh no! Please don't be Kirstie, please don't be Kirstie!!!

"Mitch, please tell me it isn't Kirstie," I begged, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"She...she's gone!" Mitch bawled over and over again, as my heart sank.
What did he mean by that?!

"What?! What are you saying?!" I screamed into the phone, as I trembled with terror.

Mitch simply sniffled, as Scott seemingly snatched the phone, his voice wavering.

"Kirstie left! She...she was pregnant with your kid!" Scott whimpered, as I stepped back.

What? My child? Questions swarmed my mind, as I stumbled into the wall. My body slid down, as I collapsed to the floor, sobs overtaking my body. Child? I...I was going to be a father! Kirstie?! That's what she was trying to tell me...oh no!

"I have a kid. I have a kid. I have a kid!!!" I repeated over and over, rocking my body, as I shouted into the phone.

Scott simply wept, as I hung up on them. This was all my freaking fault. This was all my fault.

I'm not crying, you're crying!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, sorry for ending it like this, but I will start the prologue for the sequel either again today or tomorrow, idk yet. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, have a good day or night wherever u are! Goodbyeeee! (And goodbye to this book, hello sequel!)

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