Chapter Two: One More Night

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Sorry, for not updating this in a while and for not updating Broken Dolls or Light In The Hallway. I was busy yesterday afternoon at my friend's house, so I forgot to publish Broken Dolls beforehand. Sorry again and I'm also sorry but I think I'm going to publish Broken Dolls and Our Light In The Hallway tomorrow since I was busy with hw today. But hey, at least an update of this, since I'm now inspired to write this again.
Even though this fanfic was inspired by the song Attention, I decided that I will add a song to each chapter that relates to the chapter in some way.

     I loved her. Kirstie Maldonado. The woman who no matter what I did for her, never loved me. The woman who played with my love with her, toying with emotions, emotions I could not get rid of. She scorned me continuously, laughing whenever she threw me out, only to beg for me the next day. Only to call me, crying, pleading for me to forgive her. And I...well I fell for her charming ways again, for no matter what happened between us, she still found a way to squeeze herself back into my heart. She still found a way to make me fall in love with her all over again.

It was ten past two; she was coming soon. Again. Staying till four am, only to leave me again in the morning. I sighed hopelessly. This was the last time. One more night, and then she would be gone for good.

The doorbell rang, shaking away my thoughts. I sighed again, then opened the door, as she fell into my arms.

"Oh Avi, I'm so sorry," Kirstie breathed, hugging me tightly. Sure, Kirstie. Of course, you missed me.

"Hi Kirst," I said, my heart beginning to race for her all over again.

Kirstie glanced up at me, suddenly pulling away, placing her hands on her hips. She smirked, her crimson lips cracking a smile to show off her pearly whites, as she uttered, "Did you miss me?"

'No, not really' wouldn't be the truth. I mean, I was trying to get over her, but yeah I still liked her a lot.

Kirstie waited patiently for me to answer, as I gazed upon her attire. Well, more like minidress than attire, you can say. Kirstie twirled around in her red stiletto heels, which matched her rosy plump lips and stood out against her sequined, black dress. Her highlighted locks swirled around her shoulders, in loose curls, as she grinned, "You sure seemed to have missed me."

Did I miss her? Heck yeah, but did I seriously need her? Heck no. But I knew, I'm only staying with her one more night. One more night.

Kevin turned off the radio, which was playing our song, Water. How fitting this song was, especially in my situation, for Kirstie sang her lies so perfectly. "I need you, Avi, like water," Kirstie begged one week ago, when we broke up again the night before. "Avi, I can't take this any longer," she sorrowed, tears rolling down her face. Yeah right, Kirstie. If you needed me, then why would you keep tearing my heart over and over again? [TBH why don't radio stations ever really play PTX?]

"So, Avi, are you not going to tell us how this whole dang thing began?" Mitch whined, sounding desperate to know my destructive on-and-off relationship with Kirstie. [Me about this whole Kavi unfollowing business.]

"I'll tell you, but not here," I stated, as a car began honking at us. Look who it is, Miss I'm So Special Now Stare At Me. Aka you know who. (No, not Voldemort.)

Attention (A Kavi Fanfic) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu