Chapter Six: Grenade

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I bowed my head down, gazing at my lap. Kirstie wasn't here, so it was just four guys in this interview.

"So, Avi," One of the interviewers began, holding the mic in front of my face. Great. Here it goes.


"You know, being in a band of four other people, what is your relationship with the others? Like Kirstie, etc."

Wow, great use of indirect questioning. I applaud you for thinking that I'm a stupid idiot.

"We're all a family," I simply responded, as Kevin patted my back and chortled.

The interviewer (is it bad I forgot his name? Oops...) rolled his eyes, in turn asking another question, trying to hw an answer from me.

"So no bad blood? Everything's cool with all of you? With you and Kirstie?" He tried again, as I clenched my jaw, not wanting to say anything.

I just nodded, as Mitch giggled as if to save the day, "How can there be bad blood between us? We're all a huge family that loves each other."

Whew, thank God for Mitch. Or thank Mike and Nel, either work.

"Yeah, but I mean there has to be something. Like, weren't Avi and Kirstie in a relationship?" The interviewer blurted out, as I glared at Esther on the side, for making me do this.

Esther quickly sent an apologetic look, as she looked at the time, saying, "Oh my God!"

Whatever plan she had under her sleeve, I hoped it worked.

"Avi has to leave immediately. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but he has an important meeting to go to," Esther stated, as I got up to leave.

Lies, lies, lies. But, it was something I was used to, after Kirstie's whole ordeal.

"Wait, but what about the interview?!" He spluttered, as Scott grinned, saying, "We can still do the interview. Avi will just be missing for the rest of it."

"But...but...okay," the interviewer sighed, frowning at me.

I simply shrugged, walking out the door with my sister, whispering in her ear, "Seriously? That was the best excuse you could come up with."

"At least I got you out of it," Esther swiveled her neck to face me.

"True," I said, as we marched out the building, into Esther's car.

"Where to?" I chuckled, sitting in the passenger seat, as Esther turned towards me.

"You're going to settle whatever issue between you and Kirstie. I'm done saving your butt. The only thing holding you back from all these stupid interviews are the questions they ask about you two. Just talk and settle things out, it's for the best of the group," Esther demanded sternly, driving us out of here.

I face-palmed. I already tried talking to her, all she was going to do was lie to me again. But if this would make Esther happy, then whatever.

"You'll come with me, right?" I asked.

"Of course," she said. "I'm not going to leave my little bro alone with her anymore."

"Thanks," I sighed in relief.

I viewed the dark world from outside my window. It sure was one heck of a night, stars glittering evilly, the darkness swirling around each glowing jewel.

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