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Alex POV
Im now at the hospital. Im ready to have my baby.Ava already gave birth to twins. Mason and Alice.(picture above^^^). Me and Gray are having a baby girl. We now havent decide names yet. Sooo yeahh we will decide

'Guys!! what GIRL names do u like??!' I said to them

'Carter. Yeahh' Gray says

'Destiny,Carter!' Ava says

'Mackenzie Carter Paige Smith Dolann??' grayson says

'It could be but.. Its too long.'

'Babe, i took my suggestion,ethans and avas,. We can call her Kenzie..'

'Hmmm maybe. But what aboutt..' i said while being cut off by AvA

'Abbigail Carter Smith Dolan!' Ava says

'Yessss! it can be Carter,Abby,or even Aspen!'

We agree! all 3 of us says

'OH my gosshhh!!' i cried tears of joy.

'Do u have a name yet?' the nurse said

'Yes, Abbigail Carter Smith Dolan' i said smiling at her with Abby.

'Oh! i wasnt expecting that your baby was going to have the same first name as me' she says happy.

'Welp, isnt she adorable?' the doctor says.the nurse almost handed abby to me but i declined and told her that i want Grayson to be the first one to carry Abby.

'Oh my Gawdd, shes sooo hawttt like her momma!' Gray says while Abby reaching her arms up and Gray leans in to her and Abby started slapping himm

'Oww!' Gray says then i smiled holding my laugh
'ahdbxbeixmxnsm' Ava said
'Gray, hand Abby to Ava. Since Ethan Grant Dolan!! is asleep' i said outloud and Ethan woke up from his deep slumber and Abby drewling on his chest. Because Ava put Abby on her chest

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Now the Abby is now 11 months her first solid was a banana. First roll over was i think 2 days ago. Now Abby is playing with the twins Mason and Alice. While Ethan watching them. I was exhausted from last night. Abby was crying. Since she has fever, until now. But when Ethan came over with Ava and the twins she stopped since she saw her cousins.

'Uh Ethan. I finished making Waffles im gonna let u eat while i get these 3 to bed. They need a nap.' i said while carrying the twins off to the twins bedroom. Oh FYI, we have extra bedroom here in our house so we made it the twins room, and the other one for Ava and Ethan when they sleepover

Ethan,Grayson And Me -a Dolan Twins Fan Fiction-Where stories live. Discover now