Reunited again.

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Hello peeps. Im back and supposedly, Gray and Ethan actually got casts. I feel BAD. I had nightmares last night that they died and I woke up crying wahhh. Well that a wrappp On  to the story ;p

Alex's POV
I woke up with muscular arms around me and then smiled

'Morning baby girl' Grayson says while squinting qnd rubbing his hazel greenish eyes dreamy eyes.

'Mornin continue your slumber Gray im going to wake up Abby' i said then here thumps downstairs and I walk out and saw Abby crawling.(Yep, Abbigail can surely crawl by now).

'Hey baby girl.' I said to Abby

'Wahbdwadiegvwdayzadaesmon' Abby says Babbling.

'Hey princess!' Gray says while his muscular arms open and unexpecting Abby crawled to Gray and hugged Grayson.

'Awww.' i took a pic of them

I walked out and shut the door and went downstairs and saw Mason crying his eyes out holiding his face.

'Oh my God! baby boy whats wrong honey?' i said while I picked him up and saw a reddish color on his cheeks.

'What happened buddy?' I asked him and he pointed on the couch, he must've  fell from it.

'Wheres Mama and Dada buddy?' and he just hugged me. I walked in to E and Ava's bedroom and saw them sleeping.

'Fuck u guys. Fuck u' I said to them while Mason sleeping on my shoulder.

'What?' Ava says

'Your son fell on the couch and has  fucking red cheeks!' i said to them whispering

'What?? let me have my son!' Ethan shouts and he startled Mason and he started to cry

'Dont worry baby boy. Aunt Alex is here.' I gave them a evil glare.

'Lets make Mama,Dada,Uncle G,Cousin Abby,and  your sissy breakfast. Kay?' i said to him. He nodded his head and sat him on his orange high chair.

'Xhwbxhwjs Mdsasiikonnz' i heard Alice.

'Hey baby gurll' Ethan says and runs to her and spun her around. Alice just giggled and Mason is just there watching her sister be all so loved by his dad.

'Bad daddy right Mason?' I picked this lil boy up and started throwing him in the air

'bsbxan Au.. au' he is trying to say aunT

'Comm'n say Alex' i said

'Ava,Gray,Ethan he is almost saying his first word. Ava and Ethan went near us While Gray and Abby staring from the balcony/Hallway upstairs.

'A.. A.. Ale.. Alex!!. Alex!' he says

'Oh my goshhhh' i pulled him for a hug and he gave me a sloppy kiss

'Mama!' Abby says

'What!?!?! u said your first word Abby! im so proud of u!!!!' i gave Mason to Ava and they hugged while i ran upstairs and Me, Gray and Abby hugged

°°° °°°°
CleoClever- Hey, havent seen u in awhile ;)

Cathy<3-Ikr. We havent hang out like in a month!

AlexGurl-Well, my lil Abby said ' Mama' 2day. And u know Mason? he said Alex 2day aswell so proud of these lil ones

CleoClever-Aww. Im so proud of u gaiss

Cathy<3- Woohoo congratsss so happy 4 u

AlexGurl- Guys. Ive been thinking about buying some clothes 4 Abby would u mind if we go shopping?

CleoClever- Yup!! leggoo af i miss hanging out with u betchesss

Cathy<3- Yasss.. Time to hang out with the betchess

AlexGurl- ok. Pick u guys up at 2:00

CleoClever&Cathy<3- see yahh

°° °°
'Oh my God i had so much fun!! its now 7:23 Pm lets go nawww' Cleo says

ok i just said


Hanging out. Is one of the most things i adore and cherish. This moments are definitely the best thing ever. Had the best moment with @CleoJevens and @SooCathy. Just reunited again.

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@KyleZoomer hey.. Im so glad my girlfriend is now happy. Ill fuck that Grayson up sweets. @GraysonDolan

@AlexisMay What the fuckk?? u better not touch Grayson or you will be the one who will regret this bullshit. And FYI fuck up and go to hell. Can u not get over this!?!?! we broke up 5 years ago?! ugh leave me alone u made my life miserable. U are not worth my time KYLE! so fuck my ex- bestfriend u cheated on me for that asshole what were u thinking. Get out of here mother fucker!!

@CleoJevens hehehe same. Btw Fuck u Kyle!! bitchhh @KyleZoomers go home and cry on your mama.

@SooCathy well, i do cherish these moments we had. Oh yeah Fuck u Kyle. Go to hell.

@GraysonDolan Why can u not forget it. U are such a bitch yanno that. If u wanna fuck up. Fine make  your decision u will regret this bullshit u made idiotic mother fucker, and even a dickhead! @KyleZoomers

°°° °°
Graysons POV
'U GUYZ, LETS MAKE A video. so that Kyle will get hate! please!!' Alex shouts from the kitchen setting up her camera

'Fine, as long as u make a video with us for our channel. Deal?' I said. While Ethan was smirking.


'Hey guys, it yah gurll Alex here. We wanted to talk about Kyle Zoomers on Twitter. He frickin threathen Grayson. Here is my post. And here is Kyle comment'
°° °°°
'Hey guys, were back. And today me and Ethan are joined with our girlfriends. peeps introduce yourself' i say to the camErA

'Hey im Ava. Ethans gf' Ava says

'Hii im Alex. Graysons girl-' she said i cut her off by saying

'Graysons betch. And shes MINEE' I say

'We are playing never have i ever'
°° °°
'Never have I ever kissed Ethans gf/ Graysons gf' Ethan says. I held up never and Ethan held up 'I have'.

'what dahh fuqq? when?' i asked Ethan.

'Well, i kinda remember me and u are best friends with her at kindergarten. And i kissed her. Her cheeks was hella soft lemme tell u' Ethan says.

°°° °°
'Uh yeah. That was a reaveling game. I supposed. Well imma get water' i say
'Same' Ethan says. We walked To the kitchen. Then we heard

'Thats a wrap. PEACE' Ava and Alex yelled.

'Well we are dayumm lucky we have this gifriends' i say

'Yupp. I would never change theM for something else' ethan says

My phone buzzed and got a message

Unknown number
Well it isnt the Graybae Alex loves so much.. Well be careful Grayson. Ur stupid fans.Wont stop bugging me and cussing at me... Im so fucking pissed off.. Hhaha watch ur back ;)

i gulped and Just be silent and went to Alex and pulled her on the couch and cuddled with her. She soon fell asleep.
'I love u bby gurl' i pecked her forehead and i smiled.

Hey guys.. Sorry this chap was dayumm long hahaba well word count is <1126>

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