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Bucky thought it would be a good idea to get Steve a new bike, because his got ruined. Bucky mentioned some story about why it got ruined but I didn't really get it. I went with him anyway to find this new bike.

The problem was we were broke. I was sending one whole paycheck home and the other I used to keep my apartment. Bucky and Steve weren't much better off either. We were as broke as we could be.

Once at the bike shop Bucky looked through the bicycles and shook his head disappointed. They were all too expensive.

"Maybe go and ask if there's any other bikes?" I suggested to Bucky. He gave me a look like it would all be in vain. I motioned with my head towards to counter. Bucky reluctantly walked up there and leaned down on the counter.

"I was wondering," he started out saying, "if you have any bike less expensive than what you have out here?"

The cashier said no they didn't have anything. Bucky turned back at me giving up. I gestured for him to ask again. He did.

"Well we have this one bike," the cashier finally confessed to. Bucky smiled widely and asked to see it. The bicycle was a good price because it wasn't put together yet. The boss hadn't worked on it for awhile, and probably wasn't.

"You and Steve could probably get it working. It has all the parts." I told Bucky who confidently nodded. He got the bicycle for Steve.

The next day Bucky gave the bike to Steve who just grinned at the stack of bicycle parts on the table.

"Surprise!" Bucky yelled showing Steve the parts. "Come on let's get started." Bucky said excitedly clapping Steve on the back.

They started to put the pieces together on the floor. I sat in a chair reading, but also watching them struggle. At one point, I checked my watch and two hours had gone by and the two idiots weren't even close.

"Uh, Steve I don't think that's where that goes?"

"Buck why would it go on the pedal? That's even stupider." I looked over at what they were doing.

"Maybe we should look at my bike for inspiration?"

I shut my book and sighed loudly catching their attention. "Move over." I told them uncrossing my legs. I walked over to their failed construction site and looked at what was left.

I took the frame of the bike, unscrew a couple wrongly placed bolts. When the tires were on I took a look at the gears. I put them together.

"Do any of you have any grease for the chain?" I asked carefully placing it on the bike.

"Uh no?"

"We can always get some later?" I mumbled testing the pedals. We got some from Mr. Williams, their landlord. I finished the bicycle and stood up.

"Done, see it's a nice bike!" I said showing Steve the finished product. He stared at me in awe since I had finished the project in about an hour.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Bucky asked me seriously as he looked at the bicycle. He turned his head and smiled at me.

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